Rank Comparison Charts

Started by kawolsky, March 23, 2008, 01:58:54 PM

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Rank Comparison Chart
Rank comparison between Starfleet Naval and Starfleet Marine Corps ranks.

* At the rank of gunnery sergeant, the enlisted marine needs to make a decision about his/her future marine enlisted service in Shadow Fleet. S/he has two options:
  • Go down the technical rank structure with their next promotion being to Master Sergeant. This option means that the marine would always be posted to a detachment and serve amongst other, lower ranking, enlisted marines. The technical track is more of a "hands-on" route, and leads to the rank of Master Gunnery Sergeant.
  • Go down the command rank structure with their next promotion being to First Sergeant. This option would mean transfer away from the detachment and re-assignment as Company First Sergeant, should there be an opening. The Company First Sergeant represents all of the enlisted personnel in the company. The command track is more "hands-off", and leads to the rank of Sergeant Major.
Once a marine has decided which promotion track to take, the decision is permanent. Lateral transition between the two tracks is not allowed.

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