September - Post of the Month vote

Started by Rayek trLhoell, October 01, 2019, 11:09:41 PM

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Rayek trLhoell

Hey folks.  There were just too many great posts this month that we need your assistance in picking Katra's choice for the Site wide vote... so I'll list the posts here that we are considering and you guys have just over a day to make your vote.   Thanks!

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell


#1  post 218 of part I

Quote from: Solluk on September 04, 2019, 01:13:57 AM

Utility Adjunct 3, Public Lounge, Deck 20, Katra Station

Solluk was shaken as Jada unleashed the details of her inner torment.  He wished that Beja was here.  He felt barely qualified to resolve his own emotions, never mind anyone else's.  The torrent of declarations Jada made here were surely the keys to understanding all of her inner turmoil and every misstep she had made in his service.  And every misstep he had made in his leadership.

"I think perhaps I did you a disservice in the orders I gave.  You couldn't be more wrong about... everything."

He sighed, exasperated.  There was no way out, but through.

"When I say the problem is here, I don't mean on this station.  Or in orbit of Meridian.  The frontier in question is much closer, and can never be left behind."

He tapped his temple with a finger, and shook his head, "You speak of Federation expansionism.  Of the doom destined for Katra.  You speak of these things in such a way that makes me doubt you hold any understanding of what the Federation is.  Of what Starfleet represents.  This is not the first Outer Dark we've stepped into in our history.  It won't be the last.  We do not engage in campaigns of conquest.  We pursue voyages of discovery.  Every outpost like Katra, on some far-flung frontier, is a light in the darkness.  This light illuminates previously unknown mysteries, and acts as a beacon for unmet friends.  There may sometimes be horrors in the darkness, but there are also wonders to behold.  The horrors and wonders will lurk in the furthest reaches whether we illuminate them or not.  But in bringing our light, we can gird ourselves against the horror, avail ourselves of the wonder, and at times even create bridges of understanding and metamorphosis.

By making relationships in these places, our light spreads into new people.  They do not burn in its light, but share it, and carry it forward.  We find value in them, and they in us, and the conquest of countless frontiers comes from this mutuality.  Not force- but family.  Serving in Starfleet is to serve that dream.  If you lose faith in it, then you lose everything.  No wonder you feel lost, here."

He reached out to put a hand on her shoulder, to look into her troubled eyes.  "I can see the parts I've played in your pain.  By telling you that you were needed, I warped your purpose.  You tell me that you are the 'only one' who can stand against the dangers.  It's not true.  Thinking such a thing can only bring defeat.  That's too much weight, and it is a false weight.  It is you, crushing yourself with an expectation that doesn't exist.

Now I know why you ignore orders.  Why you walk away from the group during boarding actions.  Why you shout your insubordination.  You thought that because I chose you for a job, that you had to do it alone?  That you had to define all the parameters with a General Order One saying that 'Jada walks alone into the valley of darkness?'  It's not so, Jada.  And believing it is so, is killing you."

Was he reaching her?  He hoped so.

"As for the Thinkers?  The job is not to root out the core of our enemies.  Kurros was not the job.  Overthrowing their government, or corporation, was not the job.  Just as in the past, the job was not to overthrow the Klingons, the Romulans, or the Cardassians.  Those things are never the job.  It might be easier, if it was.  It might be simpler.  But that's not how we get things done.  We surely do bleed more than we have to.  We may bleed for a hundred years.  But when we're done bleeding, we buy a thousand years of peace.  That's part of the Federation dream, too.  The Andorians and the Vulcans sit side by side on the Federation council because we do not conquer or overthrow our enemies.  We make them into friends.  Or at least good neighbors.

The mission was always getting our people back.  It was never 'Jada saves the galaxy.'  It was not 'Jada gets resolution.'  And you did not pay the cost for nothing.  Our people are alive and breathing because you helped to free them.  Will the Thinkers be a problem again?  Possibly.  Maybe even probably.  It may be a problem we'll face a hundred times.  But if we face it in any way other than as the Federation, we will not be saving ourselves.  We'll be destroying ourselves.  And that is the core of what Katra is.

Not many know this, but Katra is the redemption of not only the Federation at large, but Shadow Fleet in particular.  This fleet used to be infested with people who believed that expediencies could save Utopia.  They didn't understand the truth: Expediencies rot utopia from within.  When Section 31 was cast out of the fleet, the first Katra installation was born.  This Katra is not the first.  It is merely the latest.  A recurring dream that will not die.  A dream that the soul of the Fleet, and the Federation itself, can be saved.

If I took that dream from you, if you thought for even a moment that you were outside of that dream, then that is my greatest failure.

You are not a lone assassin in the dark, Jada.   You are not a lone anything.  You are a pathfinder lighting the way, but you are one of many.  You need to find your way back to us.  You need to start believing in our light again."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell


#2. post 154

Quote from: Solluk on September 28, 2019, 09:14:18 PM

Katra Station - Officer's Lounge

Solluk nodded, relieved.

=/\= Thank you, Lieutenant.  Stand by on that option.  I will advise you whether to engage if the time comes. =/\=

On screen, the party of players were in the process of crossing a bridge.  A distant shouting or screaming carried over the audio channel.  Was that the Counselor?

Solluk scowled at the screen, but steadied his face as best he could before turning to look at the Doctor again.

"To the topic at hand, Doctor Senva, I won't deny that making decisions based purely on emotions can be folly.  But your approach to think of everything in binary terms is simply not reflective of reality.  Nor is a single misstep of any variety grist for your arguments.

We both well know that logical, emotionless decisions have resulted in dire failures, as was the case in our encounters with the Andorians.  What the situation needed- and received- was the combined efforts of logic and emotion.  Efforts that only materialized once humans- with all of their emotional folly- joined the international scene and added new perspectives that bridged the distance between our species."

He gestured to the window, to the stars beyond.  "I hope that your efforts and research on Vulcan may someday find treatments to cure the type of damage I've sustained.  No one should be forced to live with incurable brain damage.  But I won't deny gratitude for the experiences my malady has opened me to.  If logic had ruled all the days of my life- even in the absence of injury- I would be hauling intrasolar freight for the rest of my days.  I wonder how many other Vulcans have lived their lives confined in logical boxes because any ambition beyond that, any dream, any hope, any yearning for more... was illogical."

Stepping closer to Doctor Senva, he added, "And I wonder, Doctor, how many lives your hands have saved, but your mouth has crushed, because you look upon imperfect patients and doom them with shame.  How many Vulcans have survived your gamma knife only to be told they are not True Vulcans, not Proper, not Deserving of the lives they wish to live?"

Solluk shook his head, "I will never forget what you did for me, Doctor.  I'd surely have died without your help, or been crippled with maladies far more severe than a loss of emotional control.  But I will also never stop feeling gratitude that I ignored your damning advice and took my one chance in a million to become something more than an environmental services laborer."

It was everything he'd ever wanted to say to the man.  Not that it was likely to matter.

But perhaps that was the ultimate lesson Solluk needed to learn from the Doctor.

He didn't need the man's approval or understanding or respect.

To seek such things... was illogical.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell


#3  post 152

Quote from: Beja on September 28, 2019, 04:47:20 PM

Kosst Holana - The Deck of Glory - Chula Game

Never in all of her 26 years had Beja seen something so.. horrifying! That the only thing she could do is scream at the top of her lungs, when the dog, no, horse, no targ, no, whatever in blazes the mauve colored, monster like creature was! And it was approaching her! Obviously to attack her with it's vicious snout. It would probably take Chirp the Tribble and rip it all of his eyes out!

Beja kept backing up as the plushy toy like targ moved closer to her. Screaming the entire time, as she moved the tribble behind her..She had to protect it from the rampaging tarq like creature! She had no real way to defend them, no real weapon at hand. But she if she must, she will defend her tribble friend with nothing but her bare hands. That was the last thought that was in Beja's head, before she slumped to the ground, finally the darkness and fever boiled over and took her into its depths.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell

#4  post 118

Quote from: Tess Moreno on September 23, 2019, 09:55:37 AM

Lt. Tess Moreno
[Chula game - Shap 4 - Corridor]

Tess froze and found herself staring wide eyed at the floating glimmering lights in front of her. If they had done anything to her she would have been in no state to react in time. She heard the counsellor talking about death and thought that she might be overreacting but at the same time it spiked Tess' own fear.

Before she knew it she heard Rayek call out in horror just as the lights were about to move on. It all happened in split seconds. A move, Rayek shoving his shoulder into Beja's side and making her stumble into the lights.

Jedem - Sub-Surchid of the Wadi
[Kosst Holana - 'Deck of Glory']

Jedem, with his fingers still hovering over the gaming pieces, glanced over to s'Metra, a small amused grin tugging at his lips. ,,It would take hours to explain the dices to you", he commented, though there was a hinted invitation in the tone of his words.

Directing his gaze back to the little figures on the gaming board, a little turmoil unfolded on the screen. The Romulan shoved the Klingon into the balls of light. The Sub-Surchid's fingers picked up the angular greyish figure and moved it down to the sixth level. There he didn't put it down upright – but tipped it over.

On the screen ... the lights encircled the Klingon before they disappeared with a bright flash of light – and Beja with them.

Lt. Tess Moreno
[Chula game - Shap 4 - Corridor]

Tess squinted her eyes as the floating lights disappeared in a bright flash of light. The next moment Beja was gone together with the lights.

Tess let out a panted breath she didn't she was holding, her eyes wide in shock. She stared incredulously at Rayek. At the moment she wasn't able to bring out a single word. She was too confused. She got it, Rayek wanted to protect her but he endangered another one of their team to do that – without knowing what would happen to her. Would he act like this in other – more real – situations too? Sacrifice anyone of the crew to save her? Was that something she wanted?
Plus, this was good fodder for those who were talking behind their backs for them being a couple despite Rayek being her direct superior – well not anymore, they had made arrangements with the Captain, but who asked for such things when it was so much easier to gossip?

While she felt relived that the strange lights were gone she also was shocked. She took a step up to Rayek, looking at him bewilderedly. Her mouth opened but she closed it again a second later, aware that everything of this was broadcasted all over the station. She didn't want to make a scene, although his action deserved one. Well, he would get one once they were out of this game.

Still feeling torn, she knew he acted out of instinct, she shook her head once to herself before she turned away from him and tapped her comm badge. It didn't work when she had been in 'her' room at the beginning of the game but maybe it was different now.

=/\=Moreno to Beja, can you hear me?"=/\= The communications device gave a negative bleep. Apparently it wasn't different now. Tess sighed, her gaze stuck to the floor. She was hoping that Beja was still in the game, and if she wasn't she was hoping that the counsellor was safe back on the Kosst Holana. The concerning thing was that there was reason to doubt that - the flickering was still continuing.

[Chula game - Shap 6 - Cave]

Beja would find herself in a cave. It was dark, but there were one big crystal with smaller ones surrounding it that provided a soft glow and were illuminating the cave slightly. All around her embedded into the rough ground of the cave were glowing stones, scattered all around her like stars on the night sky - just upside down.

In the distance there seemingly was an exit - at least there seemed to come daylight from there.

Dr. Senva - Vulcan Medical Institute
[Katra Station - Officer's Lounge]

Dr. Senva listened to Solluk's speech with a neutral expression. He didn't seem to be impressed at all. If anything he realized now that Solluk seemed to have lived too long among such emotional beings - maybe even the Romulan had skewed the Vulcan's attitude in such a degree that he now was talking this nonsense. To Senva, this was the most ridiculous thing a Vulcan could ever say.

However, had Senva belived in the beginning that Solluk was merely not capable of controlling his emotions but perfectly willing, his words now gave away that he actually was defending the emotional way of life most species practiced. His plan to bring Solluk back to Vulcan, have tests and studies on him to benefit from recent medical and technological advancements to develop a treatment to cure his brain damage was most likely not welcomed by the Vulcan standing in front of him.

"Apparently, you seem to have forgotten what it means to be a Vulcan", Senva replied calmly. "Being a Vulcan means to adopt a philosophy, a way of life, which is logical and benefical in ways an emotion-driven being could never understand. We cannot disregard that philosophy merely for personal preference. Success, obviously, can be defined in various ways. If you take a look at history, you may see what a life devoted to emotions has begotten - for humans. Romulans. Klingons. Wars, enmities. We have gone there too, once. But we evolved to something better."

His reply was interrupted by Hrafn's call and Solluk's reply. In the meantime Senva glanced back to the screen to see what was happening in the game - just in time to catch sight of the floating balls of light. The Romulan acted deviously - which wasn't surprising for Senva - and shoved the Klingon into the balls of light which represented a potential threat while calling out in horror to the doctor Senva knew he was in a relationshiop with.

Arching an eyebrow he glanced back to Solluk. What a perfect example for the point he just had made. "Emotions ...", he commented on Rayek's actions. He didn't think he needed to say more.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell

#5. post 76

Quote from: L'mar Camili Rhade on September 15, 2019, 09:13:20 PM

[ Cadet L'mar Rhade | Engineering Support Office Deck 24 <=> Transporter Room 1, Deck 6 | Katra Station ]

Having got one completely assembled and switched on, L'mar held it and tapped it. The transporter activated and he found himself on the transporter platform, L'mar looked up in pleasant surprise to where the operator stared back in surprise as well.

"Can I help you?" The operator said after a few minutes of shared staring.

L'mar got to his feet and grinned. "Nope, sorry about the scare, I'm testing a portable transporter beacon and it works. Though the real one will be if it can get someone out of the Chula game." He said as he started for the door.

"But the Wadi said the game is safe," the operator called after him.

L'mar turned and nodded slowly. "That they did, but always have a back up plan, yes I know," the Felinoid said groaning as the operator looked at him as if to say why are you testing this now when the game is already in progress. "Well they could still be of use somehow," he gestured to the platform. "Could you beam me back to Deck 24 near the Engineering support offices?"

The operator nodded with a smirk.

"Thanks," L'mar got on the platform and nodded.

Minute later he was back in the corridor outside Engineering Support, L'mar entered and glanced down at the beacon, it would have deactivated and now out of power so he'd have to charge it again.

"Hey Cadet, what just happened?" A fellow operations officer asked standing next to an engineer who was eyeing the Cadet oddly.

"Testing an emergency transporter beacon," L'mar said matter-of-factly as he walked back to where all his stuff is to complete the others.

"You do realise the senior staff are already in the game?" An engineer asked.

"Yes, but we could still figure out how to get them the beacons once done. Nothing, but neutronium, is impossible. We just need to find out how." L'mar said.

A chuckle about the ultimate alloy went through the room, it currently wasn't possible with the Federation's level of technology and understanding of physics.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell


I will close this poll in 8 hrs.  Vote if you haven't yet!

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell

Poll is closed.  Thank you to all who voted! Our submission is posted.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

🡱 🡳

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