Paradise (joint mission)

Started by Jettis Jyur, March 11, 2017, 07:27:14 PM

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Jettis Jyur

(This is the plot for a joint mission, but could easily be for one SIMM, and them having to figure out all this on their own. Something of a WIP while I hammer out exact details.)

Mission Title: Paradise
Synopsis: The Crew of [Ship A] are assessing and relaxing on a newly terraformed Planet they were sent to assess the progress of the Colony there. It seems almost too good to be true - a perfect Beach setting, with a dream vacation home, and food from all over the galaxy.
Meanwhile [Ship B] has been sent to find Ship A, which had fallen out of contact with Starfleet recently and failed to report to a rendezvous point. When they find them on the Planet, they see something completely different from the first Crew. Where Ship A sees relaxing breezes and friendly natives, Ship B members find mildly toxic air and vicious creatures. Now, the crew of Ship B need to convince Ship A that they've been missing for weeks/months, and that this paradise planet isn't all that it seems to be.

Starting Point: The Crew of Ship A are already on the planet, with no memory of their arrival, but don't acknowledge that fact.
Meanwhile Ship B is en-route to the planet, after checking several others in that system.
End Goal: Both ships leave with all Crew members aboard, and explanations of what happened to Crew A.
Story points that must be passed?:

  • Ship B arrives at the planet, confused when they find life signs, as it just barely skirts the definition of a Class-M planet.
  • A crew member of Ship A begins to realize that they're missing time, as well as a lot of resources. Said crew member brings it up to Authorities, but is ultimately brushed off, considering everyone is convinced the crew was sent here by Starfleet, including the figments of their imagination.
  • After a bit of debate, Crew B sends an away team down to the planet to investigate the source of the lifesigns, after they find Ship A completely abandoned.
  • The Away team finds Crew A in what looks to them like old ruins and caves, but Crew A see straw huts and cottages. When the Away team brings up the matter of the ship going missing without reporting to Starfleet, most people brush it off, saying Starfleet knew they wouldn't be able to communicate while on the planet. The only one(s) who believe Crew B is the Officer(s) who were skeptical of their inability to remember how they got there.
  • Those who start realizing that something is wrong try to help Crew B figure out what happened, but the Away team gets chased out by those assuring them there was nothing wrong, and essentially threatening them if they didn't leave. The hallucinations grow increasingly aggressive towards Crew B, knowing that they'll try to cure Crew A, but since only Crew A can see the hallucinations, Crew B is left trying to decipher only one side of a two-sided conversation, and confused when some of the Crew members either lash out, or try to calmly reason with people and things that are not there.
  • The group that did believe what the Away team said begin looking more into it and setting up illicit communications with Ship B. They are given some supplies like Tricorders and told to find out as much as they can without tipping off anyone else. They start investigating, and find that they're all infected with an alien type of Parasite that cause hallucinations to lull them into a false sense of security, while the 'mother' parasite feeds on them. Simultaneously, Ship B begins looking through the logs of Ship A, and find the log of the first Crew member being infected with the parasite, and what Sickbay had figured out about this parasite before they too were infected.
  • Crew B must find a way to convince the remaining Crew A of this fact before they're killed by this being, whether that be by reasoning with them, or forcibly curing them, depending on if they decide they want to stay in this mental utopia. And the Away team of Ship B need to figure out a way to keep themselves from becoming infected in the meantime.
  • Crew A is transported aboard Ship B and isolated as the Doctors and Scientists work on curing everybody, and making sure the parasite is gone before reporting back to the nearest Starbase.

Departments: (To make sure everyone has something to do.)
- Flight: For Ship B - flying the ship, and helping to figure out how to convince Crew A of the danger they're in. For Crew A - either opposing Crew B and the 'rebels' of Crew A, or joining the rebels and trying to piece together what happened
- Engineering: Same as above. In Crew A, they're probably the ones to hold all the technology and keep it away from the others, the Parasite's way of self preservation. In Crew B, they're likely to be the ones trying to communicate with the rebel Crew and send them supplies.
- Operations: Working together with Engineering to try to convince Crew A of what happened, and deliver supplies to the rebels.
- Security and tactical: Trying to figure out what happened to Crew A in the first place, so that they can begin trying to fix it. This includes snooping around the Crew's "camp", while avoiding getting caught (after they're told to leave).
- Medical: Figuring out a way to destroy the parasite and remove its hallucinogenic effects - if there is a Doctor from Crew A, is likely one of the rebels that is also trying to learn about their situation and develop an anti-hallucinogenic.
- Science: Working with Medical.

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