To Have and To Hold: The Wedding Of Caleb and Katheryn (Open To All)

Started by Caleb Brighton, December 12, 2017, 07:09:59 AM

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Caleb Brighton

Two weeks before the wedding[ U.S.S. Athena- Caleb's Office ]

Caleb was sitting in his office. He had just finished going over the latest batch of test results. Buddy was sitting in the small cat bed that looked like an old earth car. When Buddy sat in it, he looked like he was driving. On one side of his desk, his notebook was open and his set of pens was laying in the case with the top open. He was just finished sketching the latest picture of Buddy at that point. He got an incoming video call from Lt. T'Prina of Starbase Columbus. He knew this was coming and was ready for it. He made sure his door was shut and the panel on his door showed that was busy and not to be disturbed. He then answered the call with a smile.

"Hello. This is Doctor Caleb Brighton Chief Medical Officer on the U.S.S. Athena. I do hope you found safety Lt. T'Prina after the incident. I know Jenna was in a bit of a bind even before you melded with her. I expected there might have been some danger involved," he said.

"There is no reward without some risk, as I'm sure you're aware of, Dr. Brighton. She has recovered nicely."

"From some of my previous work, I know this all too well. I'm glad that she has. As advanced as we are here on the Athena, we lack the resources sometimes when it comes to what you have at your disposal there," Caleb began. "T'Prina you had stated that you believed me not to be entirely human. From most of my knowledge of my family, which I've tried to dig into to, I thought I was. Much was missing which was a mystery to me. I had a feeling that this was the case, but I always thought that what Jenna and I had was kind of special. However, when you said our Katra or at least mine had some kind of influence on hers. What do you think now that some time has passed. I do know it's hard to diagnose via video.

T'Prina folded her hands in front of her and did her best to attempt an explanation. "From what I sensed, there seems to be something faintly Vulcanoid about your katra. Part of it resides in Jenna, which is what allows for occasional communication." She paused before continuing seriously. "I know you are emotionally close with one another, and you enjoy this bond. However it is dangerous. Particularly for someone so untrained and ignorant in Vulcan disciplines. Even for a Vulcan it is nearly unheard of to allow a portion of your soul to reside in another. The physical and mental strain can and will deteriorate you, body and soul, until your katra is whole again."

Caleb sat back and sipped his drink. He was letting everything sink in. Though he could keep a straight face, his emotions were apparent in his eyes. He took a moment to collect his thoughts before he spoke."This is heavy T'Prina I will be honest. However, it is something I knew in the back of my mind I needed to hear. There are times when there have been strains. I used to practice medicine in a free clinic in the jungle for a while before I came back to Star Fleet. During that time while I was on top of my game, I did feel withheld in a lot. As much as I love this connection that I have with Jenna, this has told me that as much as I want to keep it, it needs to be severed. No matter how much of me is Vulcan, I agree that if it's the best for both parties it will need to be severed. It won't make us any less closer I know that. There is nothing I can do now, but what can we do until we can both be together.

"I must admit you are a much more altruistic individual than myself, Doctor. I only became involved because of my friendship with Jenna. She thinks very highly of you, and I do not care to see either of you suffer needlessly in the future." The Vulcan raised a swooped eyebrow artfully before answering further. "Until there is a convenient time for the both of you to meet with a Vulcan highly skilled in melding, I suggest you refrain from actively calling on your connection." She gestured at the monitor, with an unmistakable touch of sarcasm. "We have an amazing technology that allows for long distance communications with relative ease, perhaps utilize that instead."

Caleb smiled when he listened to T'Prina. He could see why Jenna and her had become friends. He was glad to have a level head with her who wasn't dating her. He wished he could have been closer, but the situation was what it was.

"T'Prina I am very glad Jenna found a good friend in you. I hope you keep her level headed. She gets her stubbornness and snark from her father. To be honest, when you saw me in there, that was the first time in a while either of us called upon the connection. We have called plenty. Molly has called plenty as well as her," Caleb said. "I am very interested in exploring my past however. Jenna's sister Makayla has a lead on some family I didn't even know existed. Just so you know my parent died in the line of duty just before I went into the Academy.

"I am well aware. I looked into Starfleet's database prior to our conversation. I like to know who I am talking to. Nothing too private, nor classified, I assure you." She left the unspoken implication that she could have, should she chosen to, hang in the air. "Now, I am not a practicing physician although I do hold a degree in medicine. I would recommend that you routinely perform a full scan to monitor your brain's physical health. I am Chief Science Officer on the Columbus, and I admit I find your situation fascinating. It would make for an informative case study, if you would share your findings with me? I would assume you have access to your medical records from before you were bonded, correct?"

"T'Prina I wish I could have had a good one like you on my team in the jungle. I had good help, but your insight would be welcomed. I am Chief Medical Officer here on the Athena. I can fully authorize the use of my own medical records for your study. I have two caveats however. As much as I love being the subject of studies, trust me I had a bad case with a giant flaming Schmetterling, I need to be sure it's going to be put to good use. I know you won't think I'm insane, but for now I want this to be between us. Unless we can find a good use medically for it. My second caveat is that I would like you to teach me some Vulcan ways. I might as well embrace that side of me," Caleb said

"Really the study will be to satisfy my own curiosity. I have always suffered from an inordinate amount. And if we did decide to publish it, all patient names and personal information would be confidential. I am, flattered that you would ask me for instruction, but I do not believe I am most logical choice. I have not even been home in more than 30 years. My parents, I am positive, would tell you that I am a bad influence, stubborn and headed for all sorts of trouble." T'Prina eloquently shrugged a shoulder, but a corner of her mouth quirked upwards. Her parents had indeed said all of those things to her face, and none of it was untrue.

This caused Caleb to laugh very loudly. "I merely wanted some advice from a Vulcan whom a close friend trusted. I like you T'Prina and look forward to working with you. I still wish to know a few things from you and your Vulcan heritage. I don't care if you haven't been home in forever. I haven't since I entered the Academy. Keep an eye on Jenna for me and let me know what's going on please? If I happen to find anything out here that's useful I will pass it along," he said in reply.

"As you wish, Dr. Brighton. I will do my best to oblige and advise. Do take care of yourself, and do not neglect the cortical monitor in the meantime. I believe this talk has been quite informative for us both." The Vulcan nodded affirmatively, in accordance with her words.

Caleb raised his glass of water. "To our new enterprising relationship. Here's to new ideas that can come from this. Do take care T'Prina. Expect my records to be to you in the new few days. I do have a wedding to plan for after all," he said as he turned his new pendant in his hand that was around his neck.

T'Prina lifted her own mug of spice tea, indulging his tradition. "Congratulations. I suspect we will be in touch again soon." She set down the mug and raised her hand in the well known Vulcan salute. "Live Long and Prosper, Dr. Caleb Brighton." Farewell made, her image began to fade from the monitor.

As he finished the call, he felt a sense of relief and found himself close to crying some tears of relief. He was by no means a sad man, but it felt like an elephant that was hidden in his life was finally addressed. Now all he had to do was find a way to not only have Jenna and him together, but get the connection severed. It was then he got a call from Makayla. He smiled even wider as he answered it.

"Hey there May Bear,"Caleb said to Makayla. Makayla laughed as she always did when Caleb called her that. She attributed the nickname to his inability at a young age to say her name properly and she let it stay as a nickname. As she appeared on the screen, she then moved a stray hair from her eyes.

"Hello Loverboy. How goes the wedding planning?"Makayla asked. "Quite well. We are two weeks out from the rehearsal dinner, which I hope you will be there for,"Caleb said in reply. "You know I will. Actually I call with good news. I have found your uncle. He has also agreed to come with me to meet you. That is if you'll welcome him to the rehearsal dinner. He states that he find it unfortunate that it took so long for you two to meet, but he wants to make amends," Makayla said "Makayla please turn the camera so I can address my nephew," A voice said near Makaya. Caleb smiled as his uncle came into view.

The day of the rehearsal dinner
[ Risa ]

Caleb smiled as he looked into the mirror. He was so close to marrying the love of his life. He was also going to meet his uncle for the first time as well as Jenna was set to arrive. He was glad to hear that she and her parents made up as they too were invited. He saw them just as much parents as his actual late blood parents. Kalinor had already made his way to Risa. Katheryn and Caleb had dinner with Kalinor to catch up. The relations between the Federation and the Voon were bodding well. It was so nice to see their old friend to properly catch up.

Caleb adjusted the collar of his shirt and smiled when he finished. "Are you ready my love?"Caleb called toward Katheryn who was getting ready in the other room. He hummed to himself as he was happy. Once the dinner was said to take place Caleb's Uncle, whom he kept the name a secret  by request until he properly met Katheryn, would perform the ceremony to sever the connection between Jenna and Caleb. The two already forced themselves many times to speak via video call and it seemed to work out in their favor when they got downtime.

"Imagine putting all the emotion and passion of hurt behind something positive rather than self destructive. Don't take the easy way out"

Katheryn Brighton

Quote from: Caleb Brighton on December 12, 2017, 07:09:59 AM

The day of the rehearsal dinner
[ Risa ]

Caleb smiled as he looked into the mirror. He was so close to marrying the love of his life. He was also going to meet his uncle for the first time as well as Jenna was set to arrive. He was glad to hear that she and her parents made up as they too were invited. He saw them just as much parents as his actual late blood parents. Kalinor had already made his way to Risa. Katheryn and Caleb had dinner with Kalinor to catch up. The relations between the Federation and the Voon were bodding well. It was so nice to see their old friend to properly catch up.

Caleb adjusted the collar of his shirt and smiled when he finished. "Are you ready my love?"Caleb called toward Katheryn who was getting ready in the other room. He hummed to himself as he was happy. Once the dinner was said to take place Caleb's Uncle, whom he kept the name a secret  by request until he properly met Katheryn, would perform the ceremony to sever the connection between Jenna and Caleb. The two already forced themselves many times to speak via video call and it seemed to work out in their favor when they got downtime.


Katheryn was just putting the finishing touches to her outfit and hair when she heard Caleb call from the other room and smiled before answering him. " Almost " she called back " I'll be out in a couple of minutes". Turning her attention back towards the full length mirror she adjusted her dress slightly then attached the silver butterfly clasp in her hair after deciding to have it up in an elegant bun. Then once she was done took one more look eager to get to Caleb and to meet everyone who would be arriving for both the rehearsal dinner and the wedding the following afternoon and for Katheryn it still seemed a little surreal that this day was finally here.

This time tomorrow she would be Mrs Brighton and she couldn't wait especially after everything the couple had endured lately and how they had become even closer. Not to mention all of their planning and detail to see fruition and be enjoyed by everyone. It had also been good to spend some time with Kalinor before the celebrations and she would be forever thankful for his advice that had led to her and Caleb becoming a couple. She had found her soulmate and best friend in her Doctor Jungle as she affectionately called him amongst other nicknames and also looked forward to sharing their other happy news once everyone was present including Cal's long lost Uncle and the important people in their lives.

Satisfied that everything was in place she walked out to join her husband to be " I'm ready " she said smiling as she approached him.

Academy Commandant

Auzual Knox


"Jenna, Molly, I am just going to the beach to remind myself of days long past. I shall meet you at the rehearsal dinner."

Knox took one last look in the mirror, simply to remind herself that she was actually herself!

It was so wonderful for her to find herself here again, though all the memories Knox possessed were not her own but of her previous hosts. Mostly Nazar's. Oh how much he had adored Risa! The peacefulness, the beauty, the cuisine and of course Jamaharon (which, incidentally, was Nazar's final memory). As the azure waves met the pink and white sands, Knox closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

[Nazar's Memory of Risa 50 years previous]
The laughter of a young couple very much in love interwove with the waves crashing towards the beach.

"Jacob, why would you bring your wife when there are so many other options?"

Nazar winked and then feigned being hurt as Alice play-slapped him.

"Nazar, if you were ever so lucky to find a wife as good as I have, you would bring her too. Though, you do fall in love every other hour, most would probably find sharing you a blessing."

Nazar chuckled.

"You know Alice, if you ever find yourself in need of ... "

"... An Ambassador to help me on my diplomatic missions?"

Alice responded with a smile.

"Exactly. I am always at your service."

Her memory was interrupted by the arrival of someone very familiar, she did not open her eyes, but held out her hand.

"Sorry, am I disturbing you?"

"Ascendria. No doubt I am a little changed since our last."

"Still as beautiful as I remember, Knox. Your friend's rehearsal dinner is just this way and shall begin shortly. I had hoped we would have reunited this evening. Do follow me."

"That would have been wonderful. Another time?"

Following her radiant friend, Knox thought about Jacob and Alice. They were wonderful people, great friends but had passed away far too young. Nazar believed it was a shame that Caleb had never got to know them the way he had. And, now he was grown up. A Doctor. And getting married to the lovely and brilliant Katheryn Carter. They would have been so proud of him and Knox was thrilled for them both and could not wait to share in their happiness.

[Rehearsal Dinner]

The room was spectacular. The dining tables lavishly decorated. Nature poured into each open window, with cascading flowers and waterfalls. Knox did not recognize the names on the seating arrangements, though did not care. She took a glass of pink Champagne and made her way to the picture gallery of Caleb and Katheryn where a crowd had begun to form.

They are perfect together.

"Please welcome Mr and the soon-to-be Mrs Brighton!"

Knox joined in the cheering and applaud.

PAST HOSTS OF THE KNOX SYMBIONT | Sirzi Diplomat (First to Vulcan) | Darzem Trill Private Service (CLASSIFIED) | Jorzon Engineer (Died young in an engineering accident) | Izu Geneticist (Crimes against Trill Law, Symbiont removed, outcast) | Nazar Ambassador for Trill (Loved everything that life had to offer; woman, wine and weddings) | Katharoz StarFleet First Officer of SBC (Died. Investigations ongoing) | The Seventh Unknown Alien species shared host.

Member of the Great House of Ruktah PENDING General Yoduk's approval.

Caleb Brighton

Quote from: Katheryn Carter on December 12, 2017, 07:42:20 AM


Satisfied that everything was in place she walked out to join her husband to be " I'm ready " she said smiling as she approached him.

[ Risa  ]
Caleb's eyes lit up when he saw his love. It was the dress from the first night they had met. It was the perfect outfit for the evening. His smile glinted like their engagement rings. Though they would be swapped for wedding bands not that long from the dinner, They were glad they could have the time to wear them.

"Wonderful choice my love. Elegant, classic, and beautiful. Just like you,"Caleb said with a smile. He kissed her cheek and grabbed her hand. "I think we have some people waiting for us." Though they had arrived early, they still had not had time to greet everyone that had come since they took a few hours for themselves earlier in the day. "I cannot wait to tell everyone the news," Caleb said.

"Imagine putting all the emotion and passion of hurt behind something positive rather than self destructive. Don't take the easy way out"

Katheryn Brighton

Quote from: Caleb Brighton on December 13, 2017, 01:38:22 PM

[ Risa  ]
Caleb's eyes lit up when he saw his love. It was the dress from the first night they had met. It was the perfect outfit for the evening. His smile glinted like their engagement rings. Though they would be swapped for wedding bands not that long from the dinner, They were glad they could have the time to wear them.

"Wonderful choice my love. Elegant, classic, and beautiful. Just like you,"Caleb said with a smile. He kissed her cheek and grabbed her hand. "I think we have some people waiting for us." Though they had arrived early, they still had not had time to greet everyone that had come since they took a few hours for themselves earlier in the day. "I cannot wait to tell everyone the news," Caleb said.


His reaction and smile to her choice of outfit meant everything and was glad that she had decided on wearing the same dress she had worn the night they met especially now when it had an even more special meaning. Unable to wipe the smile off her face when he complimented her before kissing her cheek. " Thank you it seemed very fitting for me to wear this and you look just as handsome as ever " she replied as he then took hold of her hand and mentioned that they may have people waiting for them and how he couldn't wait to share their news.

" I agree I think we do and I'm also looking forward to telling everyone" she said placing a hand on her abdomen for a moment before the soon to be married couple left their accommodation and made their way towards the venue that was hosting their rehearsal dinner and Katheryn couldn't wait to see those who had arrived already.

[Rehearsal Dinner]

The walk down to the restaurant was pleasant and it was nice way to end the blissful few hours they had spent together and now they both could look forward to the dinner and spending time with their  guests. Upon reaching the entrance they were told to wait for a few seconds and soon found out why when they were announced and their arrival was met with cheers and applause. It was a happy and emotional moment and she squeezed Cal's hand gently.

Academy Commandant

James Carter

[USS Redtail]

The amount of work James had before coming to Risa was astronomical. Before he knew it, he was running late. The shuttle landed close by to where the rehearsal dinner was being held. The officer rushed to get to the restaurant.

[Rehearsal Dinner]

The door softly opened to admit James. It felt odd to be out of uniform, but like normal, he was still in dress attire. He approached the couple with a warm smile spread across his face. "So sorry I'm late. I tried to get here as quickly as possible."

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Caleb Brighton

Quote from: James Carter on December 14, 2017, 02:02:38 PM

[USS Redtail]

The amount of work James had before coming to Risa was astronomical. Before he knew it, he was running late. The shuttle landed close by to where the rehearsal dinner was being held. The officer rushed to get to the restaurant.

[Rehearsal Dinner]

The door softly opened to admit James. It felt odd to be out of uniform, but like normal, he was still in dress attire. He approached the couple with a warm smile spread across his face. "So sorry I'm late. I tried to get here as quickly as possible."

[Rehearsal Dinner]

"We are glad to have you here. No need to apologize. Everyone is starting to trickle in. We are still waiting for a few more guests,"Caleb said. When he said that, he noticed a redhead and a tall dark haired man. Caleb smiled even wider when the two noticed them. "If you two would excuse me for just a moment," Caleb said walking away for just a moment.

He walked away to go greet the two guests who were looking for him. The redhead hugged him as well as the tall man. "I am so glad you two could make it. Ryan, Cole, I hope you two left the clinic in good hands while you're here,"Caleb said in a mock bossy tone. Ryan playfully pushed Caleb. "Of course Cal. We wouldn't miss being here,"Ryan said. "Exactly. You've gotten to be much more of a traveler than I would ever be,"Cole said. Caleb chuckled. "I am glad you could make it,"He said.

The group were catching up via small talk when Ryan noticed Katheryn speaking with what they guessed to be her parents. "She's really something Cal,"Ryan said. Caleb smiled widely when he looked over at Katheryn. "Oh yes. I am so thankful that I met her,"Caleb said. It was then he noticed Buddy climbing a post in the corner. "Have either of you met Buddy yet?"

"Imagine putting all the emotion and passion of hurt behind something positive rather than self destructive. Don't take the easy way out"

Katheryn Brighton

Quote from: Caleb Brighton on December 17, 2017, 02:56:26 PM

[Rehearsal Dinner]

"We are glad to have you here. No need to apologize. Everyone is starting to trickle in. We are still waiting for a few more guests,"Caleb said. When he said that, he noticed a redhead and a tall dark haired man. Caleb smiled even wider when the two noticed them. "If you two would excuse me for just a moment," Caleb said walking away for just a moment.

[Rehearsal Dinner]

Katheryn smiled when Captain Carter approached them and apologised for not getting here sooner before Cal responded to him then excused himself for a moment after he spotted a couple of people she vaguely recognised. " Sure my love see you shortly" she said as he left then turned her attention back to James."As my lovely husband to be said Captain its good to have you here and we'll start once everyone arrives".

A tall dark haired man then approached Katheryn holding his wife's hand and both of them spoke in fluent Norwegian before coming to a stop next to their daughter. Katheryn beamed happily seeing her parents and made the introductions. " Captain Carter I would like you to meet my mum and dad, William and Agnetha Carter" she said happily.

" It's a pleasure to finally meet you Captain"William said holding his hand out to shake the Captain's hand." Likewise Captain"said Agnetha warmly.

Kayla's grandmother Freja however had decided to wait to see her granddaughter and was stood admiring the pictures of her and Caleb when she caught sight of a trill woman dressed elegantly in a turquoise dress. "Such an adorable couple don't you think?"she enquired being her usual sociable self when engaging with people she hadn't met yet.

Academy Commandant

Auzual Knox

[Rehearsal Dinner]

Quote from: Katheryn Carter on December 17, 2017, 03:20:22 PM

Kayla's grandmother Freja however had decided to wait to see her granddaughter and was stood admiring the pictures of her and Caleb when she caught sight of a trill woman dressed elegantly in a turquoise dress. "Such an adorable couple don't you think?"she enquired being her usual sociable self when engaging with people she hadn't met yet.

"Indeed. Beautiful people do look very well together. I knew Caleb's parents, there."

She pointed to a picture of a very young Caleb in his mother's arms laughing on the multicolored sands of Andaron 4.

"They would have been so proud of him. And of course delighted by his choice of bride. I have not seen him since he was a boy! And, now he is getting married. It was lovely of them to invite me today."

Knox wondered if she should further explain her being Trill and past hosts or not.

PAST HOSTS OF THE KNOX SYMBIONT | Sirzi Diplomat (First to Vulcan) | Darzem Trill Private Service (CLASSIFIED) | Jorzon Engineer (Died young in an engineering accident) | Izu Geneticist (Crimes against Trill Law, Symbiont removed, outcast) | Nazar Ambassador for Trill (Loved everything that life had to offer; woman, wine and weddings) | Katharoz StarFleet First Officer of SBC (Died. Investigations ongoing) | The Seventh Unknown Alien species shared host.

Member of the Great House of Ruktah PENDING General Yoduk's approval.

Katheryn Brighton

Quote from: Katharoz Knox on December 17, 2017, 04:02:17 PM

[Rehearsal Dinner]

"Indeed. Beautiful people do look very well together. I knew Caleb's parents, there."

She pointed to a picture of a very young Caleb in his mother's arms laughing on the multicolored sands of Andaron 4.

"They would have been so proud of him. And of course delighted by his choice of bride. I have not seen him since he was a boy! And, now he is getting married. It was lovely of them to invite me today."

Knox wondered if she should further explain her being Trill and past hosts or not.

Freja smiled at the response she received from the lovely lady in turquoise before looking at the photograph of Caleb with his mother and listened intently to what she had to say. She was always fascinated with meeting new people especially those from different cultures and planets and was well read when it came to knowing their how they lived etc.

" I agree they do and I can see from the photos and what my granddaughter has told me about Caleb that they would of been proud of him and I think it was lovely of them to invite you especially with the bond you share with knowing those he has lost but they never truly leave us" she replied moving her gaze away from the photos to give Knox her full attention once more. " I'm Freja, Katheryn's grandmother although I prefer to call her by her Norwegian name of Lagertha".

Academy Commandant

Jenna McKinson

[ Risa ]

"Come on... Come On... "Jenna whispered to herself. It was bad enough Molly coerced her to wear a dress for their trip, but her sister was making them late. Molly simply hugged Jenna and stopped her from pacing impatiently. "They will be here soon. I mean you just talked to her five minutes ago," Molly began."Besides we got the rough part of meeting your parents out of the way. I am glad they could make it." This calmed Jenna a bit. She fussed with her dress."I think I look stupid in this thing,"Jenna said. "I think you look cute. Besides you promised to wear it just so I could take it off,"Molly said.

Jenna chuckled before she shared a quick kiss with Molly. There was a clearing of the throat and a voice. "Hey now save that for the bedroom you two. We have a wedding to attend and I will not have you steal the lovely couple's thunder."Jenna turned to see her sister Makayla smirking at her. She ran over to her and gave her a huge hug.

"It's so good to see you! I like that you curled your hair,"Jenna began, "May this is my girlfriend Molly." Molly and Makayla hugged. "My my Jenna. She really is a tall one,"Makayla sad teasing he sister. "She crawls into tight spaces, I get the panels higher up. We make a good team,"Molly said in reply.

"Makayla please do not be rude and introduce me. We have had a long enough flight and waiting," A voice said. "Right. How rude of me. Jenna and Molly please meet Skol Brighton," The man named named Skol bowed. "I am pleased to finally make your acquittance. Makayla's stories were very enlightening,"Skol said.

"It is nice to meet you as well. Now that we are all here I say we head to the dinner. It's about time you met your nephew,"Jenna said. "I am rather looking forward to it. I do find social gatherings to be a bit puzzling as to why they are considered enjoyable. Considering I, as Makayla put it, dropped the ball I think it's time I finally let my nephew into my life. As misguided as he sounds,"Skol said. Molly and Jenna might have found that statement a bit dry. However, considering that they had a friend who was a vulcan back home, it did not phase them. "Come on now. Let's get going. I already messaged Caleb to let him know we were on the way," Makayla said. The group made their way quickly to the venue

[ Risa a short time later]

The group got in rather quickly and breathed a sigh of relief that they were not too late. Jenna found her opportunity to talk to Caleb alone. She made sure he didn't notice her and quickly walked over to give him a hug. "It has been far to long loverboy,"Jenna said.

"I always try to be true to who I am and just be myself."

James Carter

Quote from: Katheryn Carter on December 17, 2017, 03:20:22 PM

[Rehearsal Dinner]

Katheryn smiled when Captain Carter approached them and apologised for not getting here sooner before Cal responded to him then excused himself for a moment after he spotted a couple of people she vaguely recognised. " Sure my love see you shortly" she said as he left then turned her attention back to James."As my lovely husband to be said Captain its good to have you here and we'll start once everyone arrives".

A tall dark haired man then approached Katheryn holding his wife's hand and both of them spoke in fluent Norwegian before coming to a stop next to their daughter. Katheryn beamed happily seeing her parents and made the introductions. " Captain Carter I would like you to meet my mum and dad, William and Agnetha Carter" she said happily.

" It's a pleasure to finally meet you Captain"William said holding his hand out to shake the Captain's hand." Likewise Captain"said Agnetha warmly.

Kayla's grandmother Freja however had decided to wait to see her granddaughter and was stood admiring the pictures of her and Caleb when she caught sight of a trill woman dressed elegantly in a turquoise dress. "Such an adorable couple don't you think?"she enquired being her usual sociable self when engaging with people she hadn't met yet.

[Rehearsal Dinner]

James' hand quickly meet William's. "The pleasure is all mine. Your daughter is one of my best and most trusted officers. It's nice to finally see where she comes from." He replied bringing his hand back to his side. "There are very few people I respect as much as her. It makes me a bit sad to know that one day she'll have to leave the Athena to take on a command of her own if I'm being honest." Carter smiled honestly placing his hands in his pockets and looking back towards Katheryn and Caleb for a moment.

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Caleb Brighton

[ Risa ]

By the time Jenna hugged him, Caleb was back with Katheryn."It has been far too long," Caleb said in reply smiling. "I am glad you made it. This must be Molly then?My my Jenna you have yourself a keeper here I can already tell." This made Molly blush as she introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you," Molly said to Caleb. "Jenna and Molly I would like you to meet the love of my life Katheryn,"Caleb said.

A few steps behind Jenna was Makayla and Skol who decided to hang back for a moment to let Jenna and Molly meet the soon to be married couple. After a moment, she walked over. "Mind if I pop in here?"Makayla asked. "Not at all Maybear,"Caleb said in reply. "Makayla please meet Katheryn." "I have heard so much about her from our calls. It's nice to finally meet you in person,"Makayla said. After a few handshakes were made, Makayla smiled. "Caleb there is someone I would like you to meet. It took some coercing, but he has agreed to come and meet you as well as join in some of the festivies."

Skol steeped forward and looked at Caleb for a moment. He sure enough had a mix of his father and mother's features. It was unmistakable. "Hello Caleb. I am Skol Brighton. I am your blood uncle. I find it agreeable to make your acquaintance. I am apologetic that I was unable to make your parent's wake. I find conveying the proper emotional response to be outside my expertise. Your father and I have difference between us. However, knowledge that you carry more of the Vulcan gene from our bloodline was enough for me to come along with Makayla. Will you find it agreeable for us to continue contact and learn from one another?"Skol asked Caleb.

Caleb held Katheryn's hand the whole time as Skol spoke. It was shaking with nervousness. He was glad she was there. After Skol spoke, Caleb felt a wave of relief. "Of course we can. I have been wanting another blood relative to speak to for a long time. I do miss my parents and I am just so thankful to Makayla for finding yo and thankful you came. Skol this is my lovely fiance Katheryn," He said introducing Skol to Katheryn.

"Imagine putting all the emotion and passion of hurt behind something positive rather than self destructive. Don't take the easy way out"

Katheryn Brighton

Quote from: James Carter on December 21, 2017, 07:02:22 AM

[Rehearsal Dinner]

James' hand quickly meet William's. "The pleasure is all mine. Your daughter is one of my best and most trusted officers. It's nice to finally see where she comes from." He replied bringing his hand back to his side. "There are very few people I respect as much as her. It makes me a bit sad to know that one day she'll have to leave the Athena to take on a command of her own if I'm being honest." Carter smiled honestly placing his hands in his pockets and looking back towards Katheryn and Caleb for a moment.

[Rehearsal Dinner]

Katheryn couldn't help but feel a warmness in her heart with the introductions going well between her parents and her Commanding Officer. If anything it was her parents support that had allowed her to push herself into following her true destiny when it came to her career and now everything seemed to come full circle now that she had her perfect job and equally perfect partner. James's words were very appreciated and for a moment left her speechless at the kindness and belief behind them glad that Caleb had returned to her side.

William was the first to speak regarding the Captain's kind words." I'm glad we got the opportunity to meet you then Captain for you to learn more about Katheryn's background and for us to find out how she's doing as she can be very modest when we talk"He said, his wife echoing his sentiments that given Katheryn's current emotional state almost tipped her over the edge but she held it together as she too spoke. " All I can is that I've learned from the best Captain and when that day does happen, I hope to be as good a Captain as you are and the Athena will always be my home".

It was then that Jenna, Molly and two other people approached the small group and Caleb made the introductions and Katheryn was happy to finally meet them all including who then learned to be Makayla and his long lost Uncle Skol. Squeezing his hand reassuringly as his Uncle spoke to him and again felt a warmness creeping over her as their first proper meeting went well and for Caleb to have a blood relative.

" It's good to finally meet you all properly in person especially you Skol and we're happy that you got to be here to celebrate with us" she said smiling then turned back to her parents and Captain Carter and made more introductions before looking at Caleb.

" I think now would be a good time for us all to sit down " she suggested as the waiters began to appear carrying trays of drinks followed by the announcement. " Honoured guests,the food will be served momentarily".

Academy Commandant

Jenna McKinson

[ Risa -Rehearsal Dinner ]

Jenna then noticed her parents and waved. She squeezed Molly's hand and led her over to meet them. She was so very glad they were there. Seeing as her and Caleb were so close growing up, it only made sense to see her parents there. Ever since Caleb's parents passed, her parents became like parents to him. Jenna was  happy that she patched things up with her family. This night was not only special for Caleb, but her as well. This was a homecoming of sorts for everyone involved. It really was turning out to be a special evening.

"Mom... Dad... Please meet my wonderful girlfriend Molly," Jenna said. She had told her parents about her new relationship. They were glads for her and also told her to be cautious. They knew her previous relationships ended badly. However, hearing about Molly made their tune change. Makayla had already been talking to the two and Jenna smiled when she approached with Molly holding her hand.

"Hello Molly. I am Thomas," Jenna's father said with a smile. When Molly went to shake his hand, he hugged her. "She didn't tell you I was a hugger did she?" "Oh no she did. I wasn't expecting it to be so lightening quick. Usually I am the quickest to give hugs out," Molly said in reply as she hugged the man back. This caused him to laugh along with the group. "Molly I am Sarah. It is so lovely to finally meet you,"Sarah said hugging Molly. "Group hug,"Makayla said out of the blue and the small group, Jenna begrudgingly included, came in for a hug.  The conversation continued for a moment and Jenna's parents explained how they helped raise Caleb. "When he invited us it was a no brainier for us to come. He came to me when he wanted to ask Katheryn to marry him on tips. Now I didn't give him everything, but hearing it directly from the to of them tells me that he added his own flair," Thomas said. 

"I always try to be true to who I am and just be myself."

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