Oh captain, my captain (Jada & Julia)

Started by Jada, April 04, 2017, 03:11:28 AM

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[Captain's Office]

Outside the captain's office, Jada had been prowling like a caged tiger for a full minute. And like a tiger, she'd bared her teeth at anyone who got in her way. She was trying to work up the nerve to meet her. It wouldn't be weird, would it? Just a small custom. Starfleet understood that. At last, she swallowed, feeling like she was approaching a deadly korga, then pushed herself into range of the door sensor before she could talk herself out of it. 'Captain Rellek? May I meet with you?'

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)


Once she had permission, Jada stepped into the captain's office. Surprisingly for the proud, confident, and dangerous huntress she normally was, Jada appeared actually nervous. She was also carrying a bag, which she quickly put aside. Before Julia's desk, Jada stood primly to attention, drawing herself up to her full, if not very great, height. 'Thank you, ma'am...' she began, then caught her words, trying to remember what she'd meant to say. 'Captain Rellek. I'd like to say it is an honour to serve you. And I thank you for permitting me aboard your ship.' And that was it; Jada regretted she didn't have such a flowery skill with words as Orions were known for.

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

Julia Rellek

[Captains Ready Room]

Julia's desk was found in it's typical disarray. Amid the clutter lay a stack PADD's containing a wide array of performance evaluations but in that moment, Julia found her self lost in something that was of much more a personal interest than official business of running the ship. It seems that a group of scientists at a deep space outpost near the Beta Quadrant had made some fascinating advancements in cosmology, which was her first passion. These exciting reports coming from this nameless outpost put an extra bounce in her step and a sense of wonder and amusement in her voice.

"Come in crewman." She said standing to greet the officer. Moving around her desk she removed a stack of books from the chair opposite of her own. "Its a pleasure to have you here." As she set the books on the couch she looked back to Jada. "Dont mind the books, i was just catching up on some reading. Can i get you something? Coffee or tea perhaps?" Julia asked.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


[Captain's Ready Room]

Jada looked around her at the room, intrigued by all the books. Paper books, dead trees. Such things rotted quickly in the humidity back on Thirat; she'd grown up with plastic sheets and screens. Another form of dead tree, ultimately. Stirring from her distraction, she relaxed her stance and answered Julia 'Thank you, captain, but I don't want to keep you long... I just had a small custom, a vow of service, I'd like to make for you, if you don't mind...?' she offered hesitantly, worried it might look silly to humans.

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

Julia Rellek

[Captains Ready Room]

"A vow of service?"  She mumbled with a perplex look. Julia couldnt help but think that the young officer had already done that with an oath to Starfleet. "Hang on, i think im going to need coffee for this." With a short trip to the replicator she got herself a fresh cup of coffee. She  moved back across the room and leaned against the front of her desk. "Okay petty officer, you've got my attention." She added.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


[Captain's Ready Room]

While Julia got her coffee, Jada had removed her uniform jacket, exposing her strong green arms and black tattoos: on her left, her caterpillar clan tattoo; and on her right, her service history and barcode on her forearm and Starfleet chevron on her shoulder. 'Where I come from, we have a custom, an oath and contract of service for slaves and soldiers. Captains are revered in Orion culture, so I'd like to give it to you... Well, a bit simplified, of course. You just have to accept, if you like.'

When the captain was ready, Jada released her held breath and took a knee before her. She crossed her wrists, right over left, and raised her closed hands up to Captain Julia Rellek with her head bowed, appearing for the world like a slave in bondage. 'Elt Julia Rellek, rhadaman of the Tempest...  I, Jada of the Nozama, pledge my life and service to you and your ship and our crew, to Starfleet and the Federation, according to the terms of my dubr.'

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

Julia Rellek

Julia smiled warmly and nodded as Jada asked her permission to continue. The words were simple, Julia couldn't help but to notice how beautiful Jada's native language was. She was the first Orien that Julia had ever served with.

"The was beautiful." She said. A brief pause interrupted her comments, as she wasnt sure what was the appropriate answer. With some thought she continued. "I accept your life into my hands and i will do my best to serve you, as you serve the Federation." She said.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan


[Captain's Ready Room]

Since service was a two-way street in traditional Orion society, as the slave served the master and the master took care of the slave, Julia couldn't have put it better. Smiling, satisfied, Jada rose to her feet, saying 'Thank you, captain.' She felt confirmed and accepted; the captain had taken her and had taken responsibility for her, whatever happened. She was now fully a part of the Tempest and its crew. And that could never be taken away from her, especially because: ' I'm glad you accepted, because I already got your name tattooed on my arm.' Grinning proudly, she pointed to the bottom line on the list on her arm, where the name of her ship, post, and boss Á¢â,¬"œ Julia Rellek Á¢â,¬"œ  were written. Fortunately it was in Kolari, the Orion language, so it wouldn't be obviously weird to people in the Federation.

Jada turned and rummaged in her bag, producing, perhaps surprisingly, a basket of fruit and vegetables. 'For you, captain, the pick of my plunder.' She bowed and presented this gift to Julia. The basket was replicated, the contents were not, being the freshest and plumpest fruit, vegetables, and flowers she'd been able to scrounge. 'The hunting and foraging is scarce in space, so I stole them from the Casanova through my own strength and cunning... mm, before the preservators shut down and they went bad. Besides, the passengers weren't going to eat them all.'

Academy Chief of the Boat  (Personnel File)

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