The Spoils of...Trade War (Open)

Started by Malcolm Adeyemi, February 27, 2017, 06:15:49 PM

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Malcolm Adeyemi

[CO's Dining Room]

"Ladies and gentlemen," Stafford said in a loud but husky voice. He raised a strange stone glass full of the finest wine in the galaxy. "To the skilled negotiation of the Federation Diplomatic Corps!"

He drank, unashamedly draining the glass in one gulp and signaling immediately to the steward that it was to be refilled. The table quivered under the spoils of war: roast haunches of meat, bowls of vegetables, baskets of bread, plates of finger foods, and anything a person would want to drink. All compliments of the Vikka Confederacy.

For as long as anyone had remembered, the Federation had respected the Confederacy's wishes to remain closed to trade. The Vikka were allegedly in possession of some of the most lovely art, the best foods and wines, and more commerce than could be counted. But they were not warlike, and the Federation could be trusted to never use force, even though it would open up a huge avenue of trade.

"I want to raise another glass," Stafford announced over the trickle of the stewards pouring liquids, the low hum of conversation. "To our Klingon allies may god grant them glorious battle and an honorable death! Without them, none of this would be possible."

The Klingons, however, were not so trustworthy. Or, perhaps, they were more true to themselves. Every Federation official coveted the richness of the Vikka Confederacy, but never acted on it. The Empire had not been so peaceful, however.

Last month, in a true show of gunboat diplomacy, the Klingon flagship had violated Confederacy space. The Empire demanded the opening up of trade routes, normalization of relations, and a cultural exchange. Or else. A truly Klingon phrase.

The Vikka had had no choice but to capitulate. They had not been challenged in centuries, and would not reach out to another power for help.

Officially, the Federation deplored the incident, but horse trading had already taken place. Except it wasn't horses that were being exchanged, it was goods and services. The Empire had offered to share the spoils of their heavy handed politics, and the Federation had accepted.

Stafford drank again from what he was told was a Vikkan noble's glass. It was made of stone, elegant to the touch, forged by some process unknown to science. It didn't hold much liquid, but that didn't matter. All that mattered was the crew of the Columbus had assembled, in fellowship, and celebration.

"Enjoy yourselves tonight, everyone. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." The captain said to some chuckles.

He sat, sipped again at the wine, and turned to the person seated at his left hand to add to the swell of happy voices in the dining room.

Michael J. Tritter

Tritter was not much of one for "formal" events, but he had been roped into going, being the Station's Second Officer and all. He was not the best at dressing himself for these types of events, so he let his Spouse lend him a hand with such a thing. He was overly dressed, and in fact, it made the man uncomfortable. If one knew his mannerisms well, they would easily pick up on the fact that he felt like a giraffe at a penguin party. He watched the Captain, and his eyes would glance around the room occasionally, as he tried to see who was around that he would know. Tritter was not the type to partake of Alcohol around others, except for a select few individuals. So he was content with a glass of water. He played along with the Captain, but by his mannerisms, it was easy to tell this is weird for him and he'd rather be off breaking up a fight or some other perk of the job. He didn't really eat either, he didn't like doing that infront of strangers, so the man was content with his water and he would simply keep an eye on the goings around him, since he truly felt akward and as such, his heightened state of awareness seemed to placate him.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Christian Grix

Steven sat at his place at the table feeling the high collar of the dress uniform digging into his neck as he looked around the room, he could see straight away that the Chief of Security looked even more uncomfortable than he did and made a mental note that the man was obviously a man of action rather than words.

When the Captain raised his glass Black did the same and joined the toast as he poured the first glass of Scotch down his throat, A nice Speyside malt where did that come from? he thought as the warm liquid sank through his chest and he placed the glass back on the table for a refil.

The second toast to the Empire took him more by surprise and although he went through the motions he did not speak this time and only sipped at his drink. He would have time to talk to Captain Stafford later and discuss the latest reports from the sector.

He turned to the person to his right and looked at them trying to put a name to the face, although the crew was not that big as starship crews went it was still hard work remembering them all.

Katheryn Brighton

Quote from: Steven Black on February 28, 2017, 09:06:56 AM

Steven sat at his place at the table feeling the high collar of the dress uniform digging into his neck as he looked around the room, he could see straight away that the Chief of Security looked even more uncomfortable than he did and made a mental note that the man was obviously a man of action rather than words.

When the Captain raised his glass Black did the same and joined the toast as he poured the first glass of Scotch down his throat, A nice Speyside malt where did that come from? he thought as the warm liquid sank through his chest and he placed the glass back on the table for a refil.

The second toast to the Empire took him more by surprise and although he went through the motions he did not speak this time and only sipped at his drink. He would have time to talk to Captain Stafford later and discuss the latest reports from the sector.

He turned to the person to his right and looked at them trying to put a name to the face, although the crew was not that big as starship crews went it was still hard work remembering them all.

Katheryn had raised her glass to join in with the Captain's toast then after taking a sip immediately put it back down on to the table. It still felt a little weird being here when normally she would be the one outside guarding the entrance, making sure those inside were safe and dealing with any trouble that may arise but being part of a celebration was something she was going to have to get used too as well as wearing her dress uniform. It normally stayed in her closet after only being worn a handful of times and yes she found that uncomfortable too but looking around the room she realized she probably wasn't the only one who felt that way. She was about to reach for her glass again when she noticed the man next to her look in her direction and her heart quickened a little when she remembered who he was and mentally kicked herself for not recognizing him straightaway. " Commander Black its good to see you again" she said politely.

Academy Commandant

Christian Grix

Quote from: Katheryn Carter on February 28, 2017, 10:39:46 AM

Katheryn had raised her glass to join in with the Captain's toast then after taking a sip immediately put it back down on to the table. It still felt a little weird being here when normally she would be the one outside guarding the entrance, making sure those inside were safe and dealing with any trouble that may arise but being part of a celebration was something she was going to have to get used too as well as wearing her dress uniform. It normally stayed in her closet after only being worn a handful of times and yes she found that uncomfortable too but looking around the room she realized she probably wasn't the only one who felt that way. She was about to reach for her glass again when she noticed the man next to her look in her direction and her heart quickened a little when she remembered who he was and mentally kicked herself for not recognizing him straightaway. " Commander Black its good to see you again" she said politely.

"It is good to see you Lieutenant, but please call me Steven at least while we are not on duty, So how are you finding the ship is Mr Tritter treating you well"? He then grinned once more "But with your Martial Art skills i am sure anyone who crosses you eventually gets a kick in the head". He had done some digging on people who were regulars on the bridge and was impressed by her bio. "Can i ask why you didn't mention the Karate on your official record"?

He was interested in her response as he himself studied Martial Arts and was always on the lookout for new sparring partners as he always found the holodeck ones too predictable.

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on February 28, 2017, 02:33:25 AM

Tritter was not much of one for "formal" events, but he had been roped into going, being the Station's Second Officer and all. He was not the best at dressing himself for these types of events, so he let his Spouse lend him a hand with such a thing. He was overly dressed, and in fact, it made the man uncomfortable. If one knew his mannerisms well, they would easily pick up on the fact that he felt like a giraffe at a penguin party. He watched the Captain, and his eyes would glance around the room occasionally, as he tried to see who was around that he would know. Tritter was not the type to partake of Alcohol around others, except for a select few individuals. So he was content with a glass of water. He played along with the Captain, but by his mannerisms, it was easy to tell this is weird for him and he'd rather be off breaking up a fight or some other perk of the job. He didn't really eat either, he didn't like doing that infront of strangers, so the man was content with his water and he would simply keep an eye on the goings around him, since he truly felt akward and as such, his heightened state of awareness seemed to placate him.

[CO's Dining Room]

"Mike!" Stafford said. He raised his glass and then raised it twice again to Black and Carter, who had entered.

"No family this evening, Chief?" The captain asked. A plate of mashed tubers was placed before him, garnished with something green and fragrant. Stafford smelled cautiously. The tubers were orange-red and gave off steam. The vegetable smelled spicy. He tried a bit of it, licked his finger. It wasn't altogether bad, just strange.

A troupe of Andorian dancers, a Federation founding world, came into the dining room and began to tumble and perform to the piped in accompaniment of music, thanks to the computer. The Andorian men and women were wearing racy costumes. Stafford coughed, a bit from the spectacle and from the alien vegetable, which had set his mouth on fire.

"I guess I can see why you don't want the kids here," He remarked to Tritter, washing his mouth out with wine.

Katheryn Brighton

Quote from: Steven Black on February 28, 2017, 12:18:50 PM

"It is good to see you Lieutenant, but please call me Steven at least while we are not on duty, So how are you finding the ship is Mr Tritter treating you well"? He then grinned once more "But with your Martial Art skills i am sure anyone who crosses you eventually gets a kick in the head". He had done some digging on people who were regulars on the bridge and was impressed by her bio. "Can i ask why you didn't mention the Karate on your official record"?

He was interested in her response as he himself studied Martial Arts and was always on the lookout for new sparring partners as he always found the holodeck ones too predictable.

Katheryn acknowledged the Captain by raising her glass again before responding to Black, she wasn't overly surprised when he wanted her to call her by his first name whilst they were off duty and actually smiled when he said that. " Certainly Steven and please call me Katheryn " she replied not knowing him well enough just yet to reveal what she preferred to be called and as much as she liked her christian name she found she liked it shortened better. She was then almost caught off guard not by his question regarding how she was finding the station or how her Chief was treating her but by the knowledge of her martial arts training.

She did find it interesting that he knew so much about her but then wondered if it was because of who he was and the fact that he simply was doing his job in finding out more about those he was stationed with but at the same time it was the fact he had bothered to do so when no one she had met had really done that before. Realizing he would want an answer she took a sip of her wine as thought about her response. " I'm enjoying it so far and as for Mr Tritter he's treating me well " she said looking at him " I'm also impressed that you know about that, I have been known to use it when necessary " She added jokingly before continuing " And leaving it out of my official record wasn't intentional, I just never really thought about it as it was always just something for me, a release and way for me to keep fit".

Academy Commandant

Hust Kinun

[Dining Room]

Hust stood near a back wall behind a table of dignataries, looking completely uncomfortable in his dress-whites, more commonly known as the Formal Uniform type B. Although he had been on the legal team that had drafted and negotiated the documents, Hust had been but a paper pusher. He now stood behind the aging and slow legal experts in the room, before he excused himself and walked over around a corner, and then tried to claw at his own neckline to get a single breath in. These uniforms were so uncomfortable it was amazing, as he tried to gather his breath and breathe freely for a few minutes. He sighed, as he grabbed a drink of cold water quickly before fixing his uniform and returning to his station by the diplomats, who then stood and began greeting people, releasing Hust to find someone that he knew. He wandered around, looking for people.

Ex-Starfleet Lawyer (Disgraced)
Alt of Dylan Torngate.

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Luke Stafford on February 28, 2017, 01:10:45 PM

[CO's Dining Room]

"Mike!" Stafford said. He raised his glass and then raised it twice again to Black and Carter, who had entered.

"No family this evening, Chief?" The captain asked. A plate of mashed tubers was placed before him, garnished with something green and fragrant. Stafford smelled cautiously. The tubers were orange-red and gave off steam. The vegetable smelled spicy. He tried a bit of it, licked his finger. It wasn't altogether bad, just strange.

A troupe of Andorian dancers, a Federation founding world, came into the dining room and began to tumble and perform to the piped in accompaniment of music, thanks to the computer. The Andorian men and women were wearing racy costumes. Stafford coughed, a bit from the spectacle and from the alien vegetable, which had set his mouth on fire.

"I guess I can see why you don't want the kids here," He remarked to Tritter, washing his mouth out with wine.

Tritter raised an eyebrow at the Captain's behavior, he truly found it curious to say the least. He was surprised that the man didn't just face plant the plate and eat like that. He would than answer the man's question with a simple, "I thought about having Ryan come, but he is watching the kids, and well, this is no place for kids" He could tell with the copious amount of alcohol being partaken that he definitely would not want their kids here. He watched the scantily clad Andorians... Weird indeed, he was fine with his glass of water, as he idly looked about. He would than nod slightly to the Captain's next statement, good thing they stayed home. Had he not been told by his spouse he couldn't skip this, or well, that he shouldn't, he probably would have taken a sick day.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Michael J. Tritter on March 01, 2017, 06:35:37 PM

Tritter raised an eyebrow at the Captain's behavior, he truly found it curious to say the least. He was surprised that the man didn't just face plant the plate and eat like that. He would than answer the man's question with a simple, "I thought about having Ryan come, but he is watching the kids, and well, this is no place for kids" He could tell with the copious amount of alcohol being partaken that he definitely would not want their kids here. He watched the scantily clad Andorians... Weird indeed, he was fine with his glass of water, as he idly looked about. He would than nod slightly to the Captain's next statement, good thing they stayed home. Had he not been told by his spouse he couldn't skip this, or well, that he shouldn't, he probably would have taken a sick day.

[CO's Dining Room]

"Ah, I see." Stafford's cheeks were flushed a merry red. The tiny stone cup wasn't making much of a difference; the wine was very potent. "I can't say I blame you, with this atmosphere. But for all of the rigmarole it took the Vikka and the Klingons both are prospering from their new relationship."

Stafford was an enthusiastic eater. Once the plate of mashed tubers was done with he signaled for something else. A steward slapped down what looked like a coffin made out of pastry. The captain cautiously poked at his. His wine was refilled. He sipped at it delicately.

"If this thing moves I want you to shoot it, Chief," Stafford said, indicating the pastry. 

Michael J. Tritter

Quote from: Luke Stafford on March 01, 2017, 06:43:34 PM

[CO's Dining Room]

"Ah, I see." Stafford's cheeks were flushed a merry red. The tiny stone cup wasn't making much of a difference; the wine was very potent. "I can't say I blame you, with this atmosphere. But for all of the rigmarole it took the Vikka and the Klingons both are prospering from their new relationship."

Stafford was an enthusiastic eater. Once the plate of mashed tubers was done with he signaled for something else. A steward slapped down what looked like a coffin made out of pastry. The captain cautiously poked at his. His wine was refilled. He sipped at it delicately.

"If this thing moves I want you to shoot it, Chief," Stafford said, indicating the pastry.

Tritter nodded slightly to what the Captain said, the whole diplomacy, trading and all that happy horse poop was not something he really cared about. Perhaps it is alright as long as people are having fun, but such is a weird environment to him. He than looked towards the Captain as they spoke to him, he would than look towards the pastry, he calmly added "That can be arranged" What type of man brings a phaser pistol to a dinner? This one does, thats for sure.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight that matters, but the size of the fight in the dog

Christian Grix

"Well Katheryn, It is my job to know things for instance the Captain's joke about shooting the pastry, I guarantee in the unlikely event it does move our security chief will have a phaser on him somewhere" he grinned and nodded to Tritter, he had a lot of respect for the man and also knew they would have to work together. "And the Captain himself, Well Captain Stafford earned that place the hard way after a run in with a few Admirals a while back, so never underestimate a man who still makes Captain after that".

He raised his glass in the direction of the Captain and then sat back a little "That brings back to you Katheryn or do you prefer Largetha? Martial arts trained to high levels and also a history of breaking at least two hearts". He grinned before adding "... And you want to prove to everyone who thinks you got where you are today on looks that they are wrong and you don't mind giving or taking a few bruises to prove it". He drained the whisky glass and again held it up for a refill.

Katheryn Brighton

Quote from: Steven Black on March 06, 2017, 03:39:46 PM

"Well Katheryn, It is my job to know things for instance the Captain's joke about shooting the pastry, I guarantee in the unlikely event it does move our security chief will have a phaser on him somewhere" he grinned and nodded to Tritter, he had a lot of respect for the man and also knew they would have to work together. "And the Captain himself, Well Captain Stafford earned that place the hard way after a run in with a few Admirals a while back, so never underestimate a man who still makes Captain after that".

He raised his glass in the direction of the Captain and then sat back a little "That brings back to you Katheryn or do you prefer Largetha? Martial arts trained to high levels and also a history of breaking at least two hearts". He grinned before adding "... And you want to prove to everyone who thinks you got where you are today on looks that they are wrong and you don't mind giving or taking a few bruises to prove it". He drained the whisky glass and again held it up for a refill.

Katheryn believed him when he said it was his job to know things and didn't doubt him for a second with his comments about the Captain and Chief Tritter and was beginning to think she had understood him a little better. But that was nothing when he returned his attention back to her and said what he did leaving her stunned and speechless. It was if he had really dug deep to find out details she'd never shared with anyone and again maybe he just like being thorough because of the job he did but wondered at the same time why take such an interest in her.

Taking another drink of her wine to give her something to do and hopefully conceal the look of shock on her face, she waited a couple of minutes to recover before answering him. " I've never known anyone to take such an interest in me Steven " she replied keeping her hand on the glass as she looked at him. " I do prefer Lagertha but there is also another name I like to go by so your half right and as for everything else your a hundred percent correct with all of it and I like to think that attitude still remains with me now, perhaps I can show you exactly what I'm capable of sometime " she said with a playful grin. Normally she wouldn't be so playful with someone she barely knew but there was just something about the mysterious Commander that brought out that side of her.

Academy Commandant

Maxine Dainshire

The fragrance of Andorian tubers hit Maxine as soon as she hit the door. She didn't know how much she had missed it before now. Her father being a diplomat, Maxine had tasted dishes from across the galaxy. Most were an acquired taste, but she'd found several dishes she liked, three or four she loved. She hunted down a waiter with the tubers and scored a plate.

A group of Klingon Á¢â,¬Ëœdelegates' laughed and joked around the gagh table. Klingons did not use diplomats in the universally understood sense. They were more like warriors who could put on the charm when necessary. From the little Klingonese she knew, she gathered they were mocking the Vikka for surrendering so quickly to their Á¢â,¬Ëœdiplomacy.'

The Vikka were tall and had skin of dark purple. Hair color ranged from white to aqua. They were scattered across the room, but away from the Klingons. A few stolen glances clearly showed their distaste for the Klingons, and Max wouldn't be surprised if they were playing the long game, waiting patiently until they either got something on the Klingon president, or built up their army to prevent future occurrences of forced trade. Frankly, she was surprised the Federation supported the deal, but she knew they would not risk war with the Klingons over a profitable deal. She just hoped it wasn't too onerous on the Vikka.

Max wandered over to the Klingon table and scooped up some gagh on her plate to mix with the tubers. She hated gagh, but had learned to eat it. The secret was to hold one's breath, tilt the head back slightly, and swallow one at a time. Two at the most. The Klingons had quieted down and merely stared at her.

"Che' maj," she said, nodding her head. Then she headed toward a small group of Vikka next to the dessert table. She introduced herself and made small talk over learning more about their culture, especially their art. One of them extracted a PADD and showed her a few paintings and sculptures. They reminded her of Kandinsky, a lot of angles and color. They were a reserved lot, Maxine thought. Or perhaps they were uncomfortable around off-worlders. Or both. She excused herself and spied a small table where several of her crewmates were sitting. Max had finished her gagh and tubers and shoved her plate on a waiter's tray and took up a glass of Saurian brandy from another.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked the group.

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Maxine Dainshire on March 27, 2017, 05:01:31 AM

"Mind if I join you?" she asked the group.

[CO's Dining Room]

"Please do." Stafford's thin face was a bit flushed, and his cup was empty. When a steward approached the captain wordlessly turned his cup over and shook his head. This may be a celebration, but that did not mean he had the right to get stinking drunk. Those days were behind him.

"How are you enjoying the festivities, cadet?" The captain asked. "This here is our Chief of Security and Second Officer, Mike Tritter. Don't be put off by the size of him, he's nothing but a seven foot teddy bear."

The Andorian dancers finished up their set, replaced by a troupe of Klingon musicians. After setting up their instruments, they began to pound on them as a warrior would on a foe who had tripped on the battlefield. The result was...interesting, to say the least. The Klingon delegates in the room all immediately took up the song. A few put their arms around one another's shoulders and raised cups of bloodwine.

If the fierce warriors kept up this kind of drinking and singing they were in for a long night. Stafford was suddenly glad Tritter had attended and was staying sober. There were worse things than having a deadly seven foot tall teddy bear at your side when it came to drunken Klingons.

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