Bearings & Headings

Started by kawolsky, October 26, 2008, 03:42:04 PM

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HELP: Bearings and Headings

The direction of the ship in relation to the center of the galaxy broken down into a 360Á,° arc on the X axis (yaw). Another 360Á,° arc is the direction separated by saying "mark" which is the Y axis (pitch). For example, if a commander of a starship wanted a heading of 180 mark 0, he'd want to turn the ship to the southernmost section of the galaxy while keeping the Y axis of the ship parallel to the plane of the galaxy.

  • Pitch:The orientation of a ship's bow and aft ends respectively (up and down).
  • Roll: The orientation of the ventral and dorsal sides of the ship respectively.
  • Yaw: The orientation of the port and starboard sides of the ship respectively (side to side).

Sometimes a crewman reports the Bearing of a ship or object or the Heading of the ship with inconsistent numbers, like "heading 12 mark 820", which is an overlooked error by the writers of the show.

>> See also:
Nautical Terms

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