Gamma Quadrant Starships, Nations, & Figures

Started by Solluk, January 02, 2019, 08:35:09 PM

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My Primary Shadowfleet Character:




The Wanderers are a group of apparent pirates that the USS Kir'Shara encountered after receiving a distress call from a Karemma ship.  In reality, their story is more complex than the term 'pirate' would suggest.   A debris recovery team which scoured the remains of Wanderer vessels has retrieved some useful details from a recovered computer core:

They were once Kalodians, from the planet Kalodi in the Straya System.  For many decades, their people were at war with a species known as the Husnock.  The Husnock were a very aggressive alien species, and the Kalodians adopted a militaristic culture to deal with them.  Then, one day, all of the Husnock vanished.  For several years, the Kalodians maintained their military, but funding was gradually cut more and more as the peace continued.   After a full decade of peace, the Kalodians began to decommission their military forces wholesale.

That is when the Gregari appeared, and wiped out the Kalod system.  A small portion of the Kalodian population escaped on a Supercarrier that was in disrepair and slated to be scrapped.  The Kalodians have survived on this supercarrier ever since.  They have renamed themselves 'The Wanderers' and they maintain their supercarrier- the home of all that remains of their civilization- by conducting pirate raids.  However, they maintain a strong military tradition including strategy and tactics that surpasses most pirate groups.  Their supercarrier is constantly on the verge of breakdown, and they can only manage to repair a few of the carrier's attack ships at one time.  When they do manage to get things working, the Kalodian tech of the Wanderers is actually fairly sophisticated, and they pack quite a punch.

These figures from Wanderer society were featured in Season 1, Mission 2:

The 'General', not otherwise named.  Was severely damaged during an emergency transporter evacuation of his ship.  He survived, but his condition and current state are unknown.

'Colonel Favala' is apparently the second in command.  She has a chem addiction to unnamed stimulants, and wears a camouflage field generator on her belt that allows her to blend with shadows and bulkheads.  She is noted as being an able strategist who thinks quickly on her feet and makes no-nonsense decisions.

Wanderer SuperCarrier, Tolchana (Beehive) Class  F.S. Unconquerable

Length: 5 kilometers
Width: 1 kilometers
Decks: 300 habitable decks
Complement: 200,000 Wanderers
Armaments: Hundreds of particle cannons in the 50-500 Gigawatt range, dozens of Fusion Missile Launchers (Mostly offline)
Maximum Warp Capability: Warp 8.7
Atmospheric and Planetary Flight Capability: No
Embarked Craft: 100 Attack Ships, 20 Boarding Shuttles, 20 Troop Transports, 10 Scout Ships
Prefix Code: F.S. stands for Free Star, the designation given to all Wanderer space vessels capable of independent operation.

Wanderer Cochethi (Death Beetle) Class Attack Ship

Length: 50 meters
Width: 50 meters
Decks: 4 habitable decks
Complement: 25 Officers and Crew, 5-20 Marines for boarding actions.
Armaments: Twin Particle Cannons, each in the 100 Gigawatt Range, Hardpoints for optional mounting of up to 4 Fusion Missiles
Four high-power tractor beams
Maximum Warp Capability: Warp 9
Atmospheric and Planetary Flight Capability: Yes
Embarked Craft: None
Special Abilities: Advanced Transporters able to circumvent shields if a Transporter Enhancer is brought inside a target vessel.
Highly Maneuverable, with excellent sublight acceleration.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:




Pronounciation: Dough-Sigh

The Dosi Confederation is the government of the Dosi people, an aggressive humanoid race that tattoos their faces with clan colors and patterns upon reaching adulthood.  The common colors of these tattoos are red, white, black, and blue.  This process of tattooing these colors is fairly painful and is considered a right of passage.  Dosi, even those who hold civilian employment, enjoy wearing composite metal scale or chain armor grafted to a gambeson-like base, though they usually leave their chests exposed to showcase a portion of their musculature.  This may be to entice mates or intimidate foes.

The Dosi were among the first Gamma Quadrant species encountered by the Federation, and it was the Ferengi who made the earliest overtures to their species.  At the time of First Contact with the Ferengi, the Dosi economy was thriving, but limited mostly to their own system.  In the 25 years since then, they have taken advantage of the Dominion's weakened state to expand their presence beyond this small footprint, with their Confederation now spanning a half dozen off-system colonies.

The Dosi feel that aggression is a sign of strength, and this dictates much about their culture and mannerisms.  In this way, they share similarities with the Tellarites, but unlike the Tellarites, their propensity for actual violence is much higher.

Similar to Klingons, Dosi are known to prefer melee combat during boarding actions, and often employ devices which disrupt the function of energy and particle weapons- forcing opponents to close to melee.  In melee, the Dosi use a variety of two-handed war cleaver that causes grievous injury.

The Dosi also employ a wide variety of antiproton weaponry, which employs packets of antiprotons jacketed by electromagnetic fields which collapse upon contact with solid matter, and also with electromagnetic barriers such as shields.  The antiprotons carry an electromagnetic charge of their own, ranging from kilowatts with handheld weapons to gigawatts with shipborne weapons.  These electromagnetic charges can deplete shields, while the antiprotons themselves cause localized explosive effects upon contact with hulls or other matter.

The Dosi home system is located adjacent to Dominion space, but they have recently been claiming systems and establishing colonies wherever they find undefended territory.   Their fierce reputation is enough to ensure that few wish to dispute their claims.  Their technology has seen marked advancement over the past quarter century, and Starfleet Intelligence believes they may be trading heavily with Dominion member races.


Length: 380 meters
Width: 120 meters
Decks: 10 habitable decks
Complement: 20 officers and crew
Armaments: One Antiproton Cannon on dorsal turret, Two Antiproton Cannons in Forward Mount
Maximum Warp Capability: Warp 8.2
Atmospheric and Planetary Flight Capability: Yes
Embarked Craft: Optional Shuttle or Cargo Handling Craft (Similar to Workbee)
Prefix Code: D.C. stands for Dosi Confederation
Additional Notes: This is a Karemma design of freighter, one of several variants sold to numerous species.  The Dosi 'Kruda Class' variant is up-armed from the usually unarmed native Karemma design.  The Dosi take pride in designing military hardware, but give little thought to civilian and trade ships, and hence have preferred to adopt the Karemma design rather than create their own standard freighter.  Recent trends have seen the Dosi decorate their freighters in patterns of red and blue to represent clan trading companies.

DOSI 'Sidde Class' Fighter

Length: 12 meters
Width: 10 meters
Decks: 1 habitable decks
Complement: 1 pilot (standard) or 1 pilot, 1 weapons officer (two seat variant)
Armaments: Two antiproton pulse cannons in forward mount (standard) and 2 antiproton missiles (optional)
Maximum Warp Capability: None
Atmospheric and Planetary Flight Capability: Yes
Embarked Craft: None
Prefix Code: D.C. stands for Dosi Confederation
Additional Notes: This is the current standard heavy fighter of the Dosi Confederation, and has been adopted by all clans.  While this fighter does not have native warp capability, its optional antiproton missiles can achieve up to Warp 9.9 for short bursts, allowing the fighters to engage enemies which may attempt to harry them by conducting warp speed strafing runs.  These fighters are exceedingly maneuverable in atmospheric operations, and slightly less so in vacuum combat.

DOSI 'Vepi Class' Troop Lander

Length: 20 meters
Width: 10 meters
Decks: 1 habitable decks
Complement: 3 (One pilot, One copilot, One Weapons Officer)
Armaments: Forward Antiproton turret (standard) Antiproton Squad Gun in doorgun position (optional)
Maximum Warp Capability: None
Atmospheric and Planetary Flight Capability: Yes
Embarked Craft: None (Does carry up to 20 combat troops)
Prefix Code: D.C. stands for Dosi Confederation
Additional Notes: The Vepi Class troop lander is optimized for atmospheric operation, but can also operate in a vacuum, and has a belly cutter designed to cut into and mate with spaceborne enemy craft.  The lander carries up to 20 combat troops, who can engage in personnel combat scenarios.  When not using their war cleavers, Dosi troops use handheld antiproton rifles and pistols which fire packets of antiprotons sheathed in a deteriorating electromagnetic bubble.

DOSI 'Sappa Class' Cruiser

Length: 500 meters
Width: 100 meters
Decks: 20 habitable decks
Complement: 200 officers and crew, plus 50 embarked craft pilots, plus up to 400 troops
Armaments: Multiple antiproton cannon turrets and antiproton missile launchers in 720 degree coverage
Maximum Warp Capability: Warp 9+
Atmospheric and Planetary Flight Capability: No
Embarked Craft: Up to 20 fighters and 10 landing craft
Prefix Code: D.C. stands for Dosi Confederation
Additional Notes: The Dosi Cruiser combines the duties of a destroyer and carrier, providing a massive amount of firepower augmented by a large number of embarked craft.  Starfleet Intelligence estimates that the Dosi Confederation is capable of fielding over 50 such cruisers.  The Sappa Class enjoys a mostly internalized warp drive design that grants minimal vulnerability to enemy weapons.  The warp system's only vulnerability is found in a pair of small warp aperture grills in the aft half of the ship, on the port and dorsal side.

Named ships:
DC Star Hammer (Group Captain Dontu) (initially struck by Ferengi vessel)(hit from debris from the Saucer toss)
DC Bedlam (taken out by the Oort Cloud trick)
DC Maelstrom (hit by Saucer 3 - no forward guns - commanded from Engineering)
DC Dauntless (partially damaged - troop vessel)
DC Thunderer (taken out by station and fighter fire)


My Primary Shadowfleet Character:




The Numati are a peaceful race of touch-telepaths who were once attacked by a hostile species of slavers that deceived them by claiming to have good intentions.  As a consequence, they have protocols for First Contact that involve holistically evaluating a civilization before revealing the location of their homeworld.  Their typical method of greeting, which involves touching a person and opening their mind to them, proved disastrous during First Contact with the Federation.  Due to differences in the way that their minds process thoughts, and the way Alpha and Beta quadrant species process thoughts, they accidentally transformed whimsical thoughts into serious delusions in Katra Station personnel.  Exceedingly embarrassed by this incident, they have vowed to use more care in the future.

Update: On the Season 1 Katra Mission 'The Binds that Tie' the Numati conducted an espionage operation against the USS Discovery, stealing the plans for the Prometheus Class vessel.  This operation was conducted from the diplomatic vessel NDCSS Understanding.  The ship was impounded and the entire crew arrested, along with their Captain Orleanne.  Unfortunately, there was no easy way to put the stolen plans back into Starfleet control, and this remains a concern.

As a condition of returning the Numati spies of the Diplomatic Corps back to the Numati, official diplomatic channels were opened and a small Numati embassy was placed on Katra.

Ambassador Benvinnot

Ambassadorial Aide Farinne

Season 1, Mission 3 featured these members of the Numati Diplomatic Corps:
Orleanne Nortenot Opheline Betrisse Malvortent Orisse Marrolet

Orleanne Numati Captain.  Female.  The mediator.

Nortenot Numati Logistics Officer, interested on how we manage supplies and personnel (Operations.) Male. The cold one, who has no interest in frivolous emotions and is only interested in facts and figures.
Opheline Numati Engineer, interested in FTL propulsion systems.  Female.  The shy one, who is not cut out for diplomatic service, but whose expertise demanded they join the mission. 
Betrisse Helmsman, with an interest in small craft operation.  Female.  The funloving one, always up to try something new.
Malvortent Numati Tactical and Security Officer, a General from their world who retired to the diplomatic service. Male. The angry one, who remembers how the race has been taken advantage of in the past, and wants to be sure it never happens again.
Orisse Numati Science Officer, expert on astrophysics. Female.  The wise one, who says famous sayings and identifies things that links cultures.
Marrolet Numati Doctor, expert on Xenobiology.  Male.  The sexy one, anxious to learn all about alien romantic practices.

Numati Ambassadorial Cutter (NDCSS Understanding)

Length: 50 meters
Width: 30 meters
Decks: 1 Habitable Deck.
Complement: 25 Officers and Crew, 10 Cultural Envoys
Armaments: None
Maximum Observed Warp Capability: Warp 4
Atmospheric and Planetary Flight Capability: Yes
Embarked Craft: 1 Outreach Class diplomatic shuttle
Prefix Code: NDCSS stands for Numati Diplomatic Corps Star Ship

Numati Outreach Class Diplomatic Shuttle

Length: 12 meters
Width: 4 meters
Decks: 1 Habitable Deck.
Complement: Pilot, Copilot, Up to Ten passengers
Armaments: None
Maximum Observed Warp Capability: Sublight Only
Atmospheric and Planetary Flight Capability: Yes

Spare NPC's:

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:




Everything currently known about the Dord is by way of information relayed by the Numati, who claim to have recently conducted a war to resist conquest by this species.  The Numati claim that the Dord are a slave-owning race, who are especially keen to own individuals who display telepathic or telekinetic abilities.  The Dord have an Empire of unknown size they call The Dord Totality.

Update: On the Season 1 Katra Mission 'The Binds that Tie' First Contact with the Dord was made.  It was learned that they are a hermaphroditic, caste based society with Masters and Servants who fulfill a role identical to slaves.  They require 1% Methane content in their atmosphere, or they slowly asphyxiate over the course of 30 minutes.  The Dord Masters utilize power-assisted environmental suits most of the time, while the servants only receive breathing masks as required.  The Dord Masters are physically weaker than their servants, and lack psionic potential.  Meanwhile, the servants are stronger and have strong psionic ability.   The Dord technology for space flight centers around harnessing the psionic potential of their servants to generate huge amounts of gravitons which are used for propulsion, defense, and even sensor purposes.  The Servants have cybernetic implants in the pleasure/pain centers of their brain, presumably to reinforce compliance.

It has been learned that the Dord and the Numati are in a state of conflict resulting from a First Contact incident where the Numati used their telepathic abilities to mentally free Dord slaves.  The Dord were horrified by this act, and retaliated by bombarding the Numati homeworld from orbit, causing the loss of hundreds of millions of Numati to global Earthquakes and magma eruptions from their planet's broken crust.  The Dord ultimately retreated from this initial conflict to protect themselves from further telepathic attacks, but have sworn to return and wipe out the Numati.

Since then, the Dord have opened an Embassy on Katra.   So have the Numati.  Tensions run high.

Dord Servant:

Named individuals:

Director Boz (Ambassador)   Executive Director Drai    Supervisor Zaz

Dord Galleon
Length: 400 meters
Width: 80 meters
Decks: 50 Habitable Decks
Complement: 400 Officers and Crew, 1000 'servants'
Armaments: Powerful Graviton emitters with Tachyon Wave generators that allow their gravitons to be carried to superluminal velocities
Maximum Observed Warp Capability: Warp 8.5 Equivalent by using powerful gravitic wave effects and timespace constriction.
Atmospheric and Planetary Flight Capability: No
Embarked Craft: It is known the Dord have shuttlecraft, but it is not known what they look like
Prefix Code: DTS Stands for Dord Totality Starship

Named Ships: DTS Obsidian Lord

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:




Very little is known about the Drecacon.  They appear to be a species of bounty hunters who venerate the hunt and consider pain to be a rite of honor.  There is evidence to suggest that they work for a mysterious corporate power known as the Thinkers, or Thinkers, Inc.  The Drecacon wear power armor suits with stealth functions that allow them to move about largely unseen.  Their suits have powerful shoulder-mounted energy weapons that can fire lethal or nonlethal energy bolts, and deployable duranium claws, as well as gravitic attractor pads to facilitate clinging to any surface.  The suits have a formidable self-destruct function to prevent capture by an enemy, with a short countdown timer.  Their ships are swift and maneuverable, and also feature cloaking abilities that allow them to avoid routine detection.

An incident recently occurred where Drecacon were abducting Starfleet personnel and delivering them to the Thinkers in return for a bounty.  During the incident, Senior Chief Jada Nozama managed to reprogram one of their vessels to return to its homeworld and collide with it.  It is unknown how much damage this might have caused, with estimates ranging from complete planetary destruction to a mere 50 kilometer explosion radius, depending on a myriad of factors.  The incident raised questions about Starfleet Terrorism mitigated only by the fact that Jada was deemed mentally incompetent at the time of the action due to PTSD associated with Drecacon kidnapping and murder attempts.

Drecacon Intruder
Length: 200 meters
Width: 125 meters
Decks: 10 Habitable Decks
Complement: Up to 100 Officers and Crew, Up to 50 prisoners
Maximum Observed Warp Capability:
Atmospheric and Planetary Flight Capability:
Embarked Craft: A Drecacon Raider can be optionally docked in a recess underneath the ship
Notes:  The Intruder type ship appears to be manufactured in a variety of subtypes with slight structural variations.

Drecacon Raider

Length: 40 meters
Width: 32 meters
Decks: 3 Habitable Decks
Complement: 5-15 Officers and Crew
Maximum Observed Warp Capability:
Atmospheric and Planetary Flight Capability:
Embarked Craft: None

Prefix Code: DHS for Drecacon Hunting Ship

Named Ships: No known ship names

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:



The Gregari are a mysterious species, and almost nothing is known about them.  They deploy swarms of small ships that are made of solid metallic hydrogen, and employ advanced forms of soliton wave technology.  This technology has been used to Collapse stars into masses of solid metallic hydrogen, which they then farm for material for more ships.  Gregari vessels have been seen near the Thinkers planetoid, leading to speculation that they work with the Thinkers, or are servants of their corporate empire.

Gregari Swarm Ship
Length: 10 meters
Width: 10 meters
Decks: ?
Complement: ?
Armaments: Soliton wave generators
Maximum Observed Warp Capability: Soliton wave propulsion in excess of Warp 9
Atmospheric and Planetary Flight Capability: ?
Embarked Craft: None

Prefix Code: None known

Named Ships: No known ship names

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:



Also referring to themselves as 'Thinkers Incorporated', the Thinkers are a type of corporate empire operating out of an industrialized planetoid.  They appear to be led by Kurros, a member of the 'Think Tank' encountered by Voyager in the Delta Quadrant just over 20 years ago.  It is unknown if the other members of the Think Tank also survived, and whether they continue to operate as part of Thinkers Incorporated.

The technological capabilities of the Thinkers are unknown, but seem to be far more advanced than the technology of the United Federation of Planets.   A race called the Squari seem to be either employees or servants of the Thinkers.  They are green-skinned bulbous-headed humanoids of apparent high intelligence.

Drecacon Connection
The Thinkers are known to have employed Drecacon bounty hunters to bring back captured humanoids, and they are also known to have some sort of neural mapping technology.  It is believed that abducted persons are subjected to neural mapping to literally steal all of the thoughts in their brains.  If Starfleet Intelligence is correct, this would enable the Thinkers to acquire vast amounts of knowledge via abduction.  This process was attempted on personnel from Katra Station, but it is believed that these personnel were liberated before the process could be concluded.

Gregari Connection
Gregari ships have also been spotted near the Thinker, Inc. planetoid, also known as Thinkers HQ, and it is believed that the Gregari may be associates, employees, or servants of the Thinkers.  Recent information from Yridian sources suggests that the Thinkers have encouraged or commanded the Gregari to occupy a particular sector of space in order to create a barrier against some ancient, unknown threat force.

It was recently discovered that the Thinkers have acquired 'replicant' technology, allowing them to create near-perfect replicas of individuals.  Thus far, these replicants have proven susceptible to verteron particle radiation, possibly to prevent their transport through the wormhole for study or interrogation by Starfleet.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:




The Ooroyoyan are a species of space-dwelling life form known in the quadrant as 'astrocetus,' and colloquially referred to as a 'space whale.'  In early 2398, an Ooroyoyan which calls itself Urulei swallowed a small spacecraft and fell into a vegetative state.  This creature was found by the USS Mughi and towed back to Katra station.  When the USS Healy returned from assignment, a team was put together led by Lieutenant Commander t'Lhoell to establish contact with the creature and free the swallowed craft.  Lieutenant Falleg made telepathic contact with the creature and determined that it was puppeted by a type of latinum-based cybernetic circuitry, having no control over its actions.  Lieutenant Beja worked with Lieutenant Saxon to perform cybernetic neuro-surgery using a duonetic lance, and managed to free the creature.  After freeing the creature, Katra officers learned that the astrocetus had fallen victim to Atrosian bio-engineering.  The entire Atrosian military uses bio-engineered and/or modified interstellar species as military vessels and drones.

Subsequent to these events, the astrocetus has grazed in the Oort cloud of the Trialus system, seemingly content to remain in the vicinity of Katra station.  The creature has been provisionally classified as an endangered species.

Ooroyoyan or Atrosian 'Finder'
Length: 250 meters
Width: 80 meters
Decks: NA
Complement: NA
Armaments: Big Gulp, Tachyon beacon communication to advise of a successful capture.
Maximum Observed Warp Capability: Reports of coaxial warp capability, unknown FTL equivalent velocity
Atmospheric and Planetary Flight Capability: Uses ion propulsion for sublight travel.  Planetary/Atmospheric travel unlikely.
Embarked Craft: None, except whatever the creature may have swallowed

Prefix Code: None known

Named Ships: Official designation unknown within the Etrosian military.   Freed creature named Urulei.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Tess tLhoell



The Etrosians originate from the planet Etros, which was destroyed by a nova 200 years ago. Once a people of 15 billion, only about 60 million survived the catastrophe. They were taken as refugees by the inhabitants of the neighbouring star Atros, who survived the disaster virtually unscathed due to their technologically advanced life style. The Etrosians are a simple people, who do not strive for technological achievements and banish them completely from their everyday life.

An distinctive physiological trait was the snake-like iridescent skin pattern, that covered solely the left side of the Etrosians bodies.

After the Etrosians had found a place to live on the planet Atros "" in the countryside outside the big city areas "" they fell victim to a terrible ruse by the Atrosian leaders, who took advantage of the Etrosian's spiritual believes to control the Etrosian's population.

Recently the Atrosian ruse was discovered by the Etrosians. The elders of the tribes decided to send one of their own "" Adryel "" to Katra Station, which they had heard of from the Numati who traded with the Atrosians. With the help of Katra's crew the Etrosians were freed from the Atrosian suppression. They also were granted asylum on the planet Meridian. Relocating the Etrosians will be an ongoing situation for the next couple of months.

Culture/Religion and Spirituality
The Etrosians believe in "˜The Wise One Above'. Religion, tradition and spirituality is a very important part of their culture. They consider it the purpose of their lives to serve and please their God. Etrosians wore their hair long, partly braided "" men and women alike "" and had piercings and decorative beads in their hair out of religious and traditional habits.

The Etrosians created The Ceremony of New Life after they had been made believe by the Atrosian leaders that it was the will of The Wise One Above for them to sacrifice a life every time new life was born. Once deaths and births outweighed each other and more Etrosian woman became pregnant, there had to be another Etrosian be sacrificed for every new baby born.
Because of that, Etrosian couples who wanted to have children needed to seek religious permission for that. Having large families was frowned upon. Unsanctioned pregnancies became a very negative stigma in Etrosian society. If an Etrosian female became pregnant once the quota of deaths/births was met, she had to seek forgiveness, since a person had to die for her child to be born.

It became a tradition for children when they turned fifteen to stay with the family of the Etrosian who sacrificed their life for them. This was made for them to learn about the person, their family and to honor the sacrifice they had made. Usually those children wore a crescent shaped pendant with the name of the person on it.

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno

Tess tLhoell



Culture and history
The Atrosians are a technologically highly advanced people and are the inhabitants of the planet Atros. After the neighbouring star Etros was destroyed by a nova 200 years ago, the Atrosians took the surviving Etrosians as refugees. Concerned that the Etrosian population might eventually increase too much, the Atrosian leaders thought of a devious ruse to keep the Etrosian population stagnant by making them believe it was the will of their God to sacrifice a life for every new life born.

The planet Atros was rich of latinum sources, which the Atrosians quarried and used to build in their technology. To get that work done, the Atrosians used the Etrosians as slave labourers to work in their latinum mines.

After the Etrosians found out about the ruse and one of them was able to escape and seek help from the Federation, the Atrosians were forced to agree to let the Etrosians go, who had become a slave class for the Atrosians. In the future, the Atrosian government will make changes about how they deal with the Etrosians to make it more attractive for them to stay on Atros and consequently not lose the whole of their labourer class.

Like the Etrosians, the Atrosians possessed a unique feature of physiology: the right side of their body was covered in a distinct skin pattern that was resembling that of a Terran snake. When shed light on it, it shimmered iridescently.
The Atrosian males usually were shaved bald, and also females refrained from overly long or decorated hair.


Civilian shuttle

Due to an abundance of latinum on their planet, the Atrosians long since used it as circuitry in their tech due to its property of being a superconductor. The warp system was coaxial warp (coaxial bridge) that required a two-hour buildup to make a leap, and then a two-hour cooldown afterwards.  The warp systems on military vessels was so advanced that it allowed them to travel about 30 light years in only two hours. Smaller civilian shuttles could cross about 10 light years in the same amount of time.

Behemoth class battleship

The Atrosians used fairly advanced biotechnology for their ships. The template of the Behemoth battleship was an actual creature, which had been extensively genetically modified over generations in a way that reduced the former living being to become nothing more than a monstrous husk. It possessed no reasoning center anymore, just a brain stem that interfaced with Atrosian tech.

"˜The Finder' (Astrocetus)

To find and capture criminals, the Atrosians have found a way to modify and train a "˜space whale'-like creature to swallow fugitive along with the vessel if needed. It then sent a tachyon signal that lead the Atrosians to the The Finder to retrieve the criminal.

See also: Ooroyoyan

Atrosian capital city with parts of the Etrosian village in the foreground

Atrosian governmental headquarters - Visitor's area

Species: Ba'ku
"You explore the universe. We've found that a single moment in time can be a universe in itself."
Tess' biography (updated Nov 14th, 2020) - Previous name: Tess Moreno


The Republic of Kahless

The Republic of Kahless was born from a movement of reformists within the Klingon Empire.  Among a minority of Klingons, there was concern that the Empire had become stagnant, and that this was a result of excessive emphasis on war and warriors over all other Klingon endeavors and disciplines.  These reformists believed that Kahless' teachings contained many largely ignored passages that suggested he was a Renaissance-type figure who was as interested in knowledge and wisdom as he was in war and fighting.

The reformists included a number of moderately sized Klingon houses, but even collectively they did not have the influence necessary to change the direction of the Empire.  Nor did they wish to plunge the Empire into a civil war over their philosophical differences.  Even speaking about their ideas openly was sometimes enough to result in subtle suppression of their houses and positions within the Empire.

Coming to the conclusion that the long-term preservation of the Klingon peoples would require a place where these reformist philosophies could be exercised, over 100 Houses of the Empire conspired to purchase a fleet of hundreds of vessels from scrapyards throughout the Empire, which they proceeded to refit and repair.  They then engaged in a mass Exodus towards the Gamma Quadrant, where they could establish a new Klingon government in the chu'ghoS system.  Ultimately, about six million Klingons participated in this enterprise of nation-building.  An impressive sum, yet only about .000048% of the Empire's total population.

The Klingon Empire did not take long to declare the departing Klingons traitors to the Empire, and name them Exiles who could never return to Imperial space.

The crest/flag/symbol of the Republic of Kahless
The star of Kahless is presented on a circular red field which symbolizes the foundational unity of the Klingons.  This is the warrior's spirit that flows in the blood of all Klingons.  Beneath the star and shield of Kahless lies the three blades of the Klingon trident, each with a different tint.  The first is colored yellow to symbolize a dedication to excellence, The second is blue to symbolize the spirit of adventure that draws Klingons boldly into the unknown, and the third is green to symbolize the Wisdom of Kahless (and knowledge in general), which the Republic believes is an essential tempering factor that gives the Klingon people resiliency.

The Republic's essential philosophy is thus represented in this symbol by recognizing the warrior spirit, but also acknowledging that this spirit can be reflected in more aspects than battle.  Klingons who seek excellence, act with boldness, and live in wisdom are all deemed honorable under this crest, and worthy of residing with Kahless in Sto-vo-kor.

The chu'ghoS System

The chu'ghoS system (meaning 'New Way') is the home of the Republic of Kahless.  It was initially detected on long-range scans, and was identified as a promising colony location for Imperial expansion into the Gamma Quadrant.  Ambassador Kol, a reformist within the Empire, took notice of this system's promise and marked it as a good place for the Reformist movement to make their new home.  The system was first surveyed by the IKS Lod Qan under the command of officers from Katra Station who were engaged in an officer exchange program, before they abandoned their survey to engage in a secret joint operation with the Tholian Assembly to rescue an ailing Crystalline Entity within Gregari space.

Although the survey was only partially completed, it provided a wealth of information for the Reformists to use when selecting a planet for initial colonization.   This led to the Reformist fleet settling on chu'ghoS IV, which they named Rav.  This word means 'floor' but is more appropriately translated at 'Foundation.'  This became the Capital world of the Republic of Kahless, while the initial colony City was named Niv Sal, or 'Great Ascent.'

Rav is a Class M world with many forests and jungles that dominate a supercontinent.  This continent is a humid landscape of underground springs feeding surface rivers and lakes.  The planet is rife with geothermal energy, despite having few active volcanoes.  60% of the planet's surface is comprised of Ocean.  There are small ice-dominated arctic regions and a few low mountain ranges.  The Capital City of Niv Sal is located on an equatorial mesa that rises above surrounding forests.

One-hundred-thousand targ have been released into the forests, to contend with native animal life forms of various types, in the hopes that a population of targs suitable for hunting will arise within one or two generations.  Native animals of note include the loS'tel falcon, notable for its four wings, and the QIncha'chong, a 10 foot long predatory lizard with a mighty roar.

The Republic of Kahless Military

The Republic of Kahless has a military arranged with a rank structure identical to the Klingon Defense Force, albeit in much smaller scale.  Their military is divided into two named forces:  The Navy of Kahless, and the Defenders of Kahless.

The Navy is their warp-capable starborne military force, comprised of approximately 200 ships which are dominated by D7 and K'tinga cruisers and large numbers of Birds of Prey.   A limited number of more advanced ships, such as the K'avwI Class cruiser, are commanded by the most respected Captains in the fleet.

The Republic has constructed a single space station in orbit called Dung bej Station, which was brought to the planet in pieces and assembled on site.  The station name translates to 'Overwatch.'  This station has multiple drydock facilities currently engaged in refitting the D7's as quickly as possible into K'tinga refits.  The K'tinga is thus poised to become the backbone of the fleet.

The Navy of Kahless has a force of approximately 100,000 personnel.

The Defenders of Kahless are a ground force of peacekeepers tasked with policework and planetary defense.  They have a number of impulse craft at their disposal which are capable of engaging enemies in the atmosphere or in orbit if necessary.  It is estimated that the Defenders of Kahless number about 10,000 personnel.

The Republic of Kahless Governmental Structure

The people of the Republic of Kahless are represented by nominated members of their Houses who are sent as representatives to a House of Electors.  For every 100 members of a House, the House may submit one Elector.  The House of Electors is currently comprised of 60,000 Electors.  These Electors can vote on regional policies, regional governors, and can also vote to elect the Thirteen Senators who will debate matters of law that impact the entire Republic.  Finally, the Electors vote to select the President of the Republic.

The Thirteen Senators of the Republic are reaffirmed every five years, although they can be removed from office early if 1/3 of the Electors join a declaration of No Confidence against a Senator, which triggers a new Election to confirm their position. There are no term limits.

The President has the power to declare war, move the military forces, enforce the law of the Senate, make treaties, and appoint the heads of the military, government advisors, and the diplomats who will represent the Republic to foreign powers.   The President can be removed from office by a 2/3 majority vote of the Senate, who can then place one of their own number as Acting President.  This triggers a vote by the Electors to select a new permanent President.  The President has to be re-elected every five years, but has no term limit.

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