Rayek's Biography one-shot prompts

Started by Rayek trLhoell, October 19, 2017, 03:57:30 PM

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Rayek trLhoell

Prompt - Deception

PO2 Rayek
[Betazed - Underground Security Compound - Secured Meeting Area]

While Commander Briggs explained to Captain Torngate about Rayek's suggestion about the hacked universal translator's, Rayek turned his attention to tracing back the leaked transmission.  As expected the signal was being routed around numerous satellites and ground stations, but Rayek was tenacious, and being more than just a little familiar in the art of hiding transmissions he knew what to look for as he worked back along the signal path.

Tracing back the signal was a slow process and Rayek knew that by the time he managed to locate its source, the hacker would have likely moved on.  It was something that he himself would do - not staying in one place long enough to be traced.  That thought  - the similarity between them - gave Rayek an idea.

The hacker had shared the Captain's words... to what end?  To sow distrust.. so why not play on that in return?  If Rayek could convince the hacker that Rayek's loyalty was no longer to the Federation cause of the words shared and that he could be of use to the hacker, then there was a chance that Rayek could be seen as an ally.  Deception was a tool that Rayek knew well.

As he worked, the Romulan quietly whispered to himself and his listener.  "You've gone through a great deal of time and effort to hack these systems.  I hope it was not to merely disseminate medical files and ship logs.  There is value to the information you've gathered.  I know of several that would pay richly for such information.  Think about it."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell


Prompt - Auxiliary Control

Recruit Rayek
[Mars - Starfleet Technical Services Academy]

Smoke and alarms filled the ship even within the service tube Rayek was crawling through, or rather the holosuite's representation of the service tube.  Rayek and his classmates were taking a part in a training simulation, wherein their objective was to retake the ship from hostile boarders.   Currently the last of the boarders, a handful of Jem'Hadar warriors, were holed up in Auxiliary Control with intentions of destroying the entire ship.   Transporters were down and the doors to Auxiliary Control were sealed from the inside.   While one team worked on trying to get the main doors open by phasering their way through, the team Rayek was assigned to was ordered to attempt to access the auxiliary bridge through the service tubes.

Though Rayek and his 4 other teammates were quick to move through the tubes, time was running short.  Ahead of him, his team leader Benos was hand-signaling the 'all-stop'.  Rayek, repeated the hand gesture for the benefit of those behind him then moved forward as the blue-skinned Andorian made space for Rayek alongside him in the narrow tube as the service shaft came to an abrupt end at a grate.  Beyond the grate Rayek could hear the Dominion controlled Jem'Hadar speaking among themselves as they worked at by-passing ship safety measures meant to ensure that what they were attempting to do couldn't happen.  He could also hear the steady thrum of the other security team still working to access the control room through the plated doors.

Benos gestured out his plan.  Remove the grate quietly  (since the tube appeared to be un-monitored and its a location between two control consoles  -Science and Communications - near the back of the room, meant that it was mostly out of sight); exit the tube and provide cover fire if needed while the others exited; then the five would take out the boarders in a head-on charge.  Phasers were to be set to kill.  To Rayek, it was an overly simple plan, even a little reckless but Benos was a team-leader, and Rayek's job as his 2nd was to act on the plan not critique it.

Rayek nodded sharply then inched forward to take a closer look through the grate.  That's when he noticed a scanning device set on the floor its sensor pointed towards the access tube.  Rayek grimaced.  A quick rigged motion and heat sensor no doubt, set up to sound an alarm if they were try to just exit the tube as initially planned.  Rayek pointed it out to Benos then motioned him back since they didn't know how sensitive that scanner would be to changes in temperature but figured one body would give off less heat than two in such a cramped space.

From his duty belt Rayek pulled his phaser, and despite Benos'  wide-eyes warning him not to try shooting the scanner, Rayek curled around the phaser to muffle both it's noise and its heat as he fired off a brief split second burst down towards the floor grate they were crawling on cutting across a band of it.  Rayek had timed it with the phaser fire from the team at the door.  Rayek paused alertly to check if any of the Jem'Hadar had noticed the sound or if the sensor had picked up the heat but after second there were no alarms. Rayek then motioned for Benos to do the same along the floor grate for a 5 ft length from the other end.  Four feet was distance to the scanner.

It took less than 30 seconds for the two to cut out the length needed after which Rayek once more crept up to the access grate and ever so slowly inched the length of metal through the grate towards the scanner, where he then used it to carefully push on the corner of the scanner to slowly turn it inward so that it faced a console rather than the access grate.

Opening the access grate was easy after that.  Rayek was able to manage it ever so silently setting the grate aside as he then crept out of the service tube.  He quickly grabbed his phaser once more and moved up towards the edge of the science console to peer around the corner towards where the voices could still be heard discussing how to override the ships security lockout.

The five Jem'Hadar  were spread out across the front section of the room.  Two stood at the ready facing the doors for when the Security team outside managed to  cut their way through which would be shortly.  Two more were busily working away at the Helm and Engineering consoles.  The fifth - their leader Rayek assumed - stood a bit further back, nearer the center of the room, overseeing the override work and Starfleet security's progress on the doors.  "How much longer?"  the universal translator in his right ear translated the Jem'Hadar's native tongue.

"Less than a minute, sir.  We've just about broken through their lockout."

"You are cutting it close. That security team is almost through the doors.  Finish it quickly!  I want that anti-matter containment field down before those guards cut through. Our deaths will bring glory to the Founders!"

There was a gruff cheer from the other Jem'Hadar though they each kept focus on their tasks.

The Auxiliary Control Center was a small work area compared to the usual Bridge of a starship; containing all the same work consoles - just in a much more cramped space.  This was actually a benefit to Rayek and the Security team.  It meant that station consoles, which faced forward, jutted out further into  room providing excellent cover for the security team as member after member crept out silently after Rayek.

Rayek remained keeping watch until Benos appeared at his side and signaled a count of three.  One.  Two. Three.  Three members, including Rayek, of the five member security team broke from behind the cover of the Science console as phaser fire from the remaining two shot out towards the two Jem'Hadar keeping watch on the doors which were about to be breached.

The two battle-ready warriors dropped dead.  But that still left three to content with.  Rayek continued with the other Security to charge forward to get a clear shot on the Jem'Hadar working at blowing up the ship.

Even as Rayek got into his new position and took out the Jem'Hadar at the helm console, from the corner of his eye Rayek saw the human member of their trio hesitate to shoot the warrior at Engineering - whether from fear, compassion or inexperience - it made no difference the result was the same.  Her hesitation cost them, as the Jem'Hadar leader turned suddenly, causing Benos to miss his shot.  The Jem'Hadar leader then double tapped his trigger as he switched targets from her to Benos.  Rayek was surprised to see both the woman and the Andorian drop.  Rayek now had two opponents to take down.  Assessing the situation quickly, Rayek took aim for the 'engineer', hoping he'd be able to take him out before he could finish sabotaging the engines but even Rayek fired the warrior turned and called out.  "It's done!"

A new alarm sounded throughout the room.  "Anti-matter containment field failure."  The computers' feminine voice announced.  "Warp core breach imminent."   Rayek suddenly jolted as he was fired on by the Jem'Hadar leader..  his vision went black.  Fvadt!

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell


Prompt - Incompetence

'Commander' Rayek (alias of Major Rayek of the Tal Shiar)
[Romulan Empire - USS Courage - Engineering]

Having just arrived on the USS Courage, as one of the ship's three Romulan observers and the Romulan's lead Liaison Officer, Rayek's first order of business was to ensure that the Empire's stipulations regarding the visiting starships were adhered to.  He had listed them off to the Admiral earlier before insisting on a tour of Engineering.  The stipulations were that the Federation starships were to run without defensive shielding; all ship's weapons were to be powered down on both vessels; and no scans or probes were to be run while in Romulan space.

As the tour arrived at their first spot on the tour, Rayek took note of the added security outside Main Engineering Á¢â,¬"œ he smiled to himself thinking all this on their behalf. At least he assumed the full compliment was extra security; otherwise it seemed a terrible waste of manpower. "I will need to see the shield and weapons display." He stated to his tour guide Á¢â,¬"œ a Lt McKensie - a human/betazoid hybrid if intel on her was correct.  As a precaution, Rayek was forced to keep his telepathic shields up.   That meant he wasn't able to use his own abilities to read the Starfleet crew - at least not when she present.

"I'm sure our engineering staff will be only too happy to help you with any queries you might have," his guide commented as she lead the way into Main Engineering.  Rayek followed Lt. McKensie through the sliding door and was impressed to see yet another compliment of security stationed within.

Looking towards the warp core, he observed the telltale flicker of a force field protecting it. Normal procedure? Or due to his presence here?  Likely the latter. The Admiral was certainly attempting to not underestimate him and his colleagues - it was almost too funny.  Rayek smiled and nodded towards the two lady engineers that approached their small group and waited to be introduced.

"Welcome, I'm Lt. Cmdr Seacrest." Spoke the smaller of the two women.  "The ship's Chief Engineer. I'd also like to introduce my assistant chief engineer, Lt. T'Sarn." The woman motioned to the Vulcan at her side.

"Welcome. Live long and prosper, Commander."

Rayek nodded towards the Chief Engineer at the introductions, but didn't bother making effort to remember their names. He returned his attention to the human Chief Engineer without acknowledging the Vulcan's greeting. "Thank you Lt Commander, I can see that my visit is a bit of an inconvenience for you and your staff, so I will try not to take up too much of your time."

"We have a short tour if you wish, or was there something you particularly wished to see?" the Chief Engineer asked.

"I will need to see the shield and weapons status workstations, if you would be so kind?" Rayek answered.

There was a brief hesitation as the Chief Engineer glanced to the lead security officer that had escorted Rayek from the transporter room to Engineering.   The man nodded slightly, and the Chief Engineer forced a smile.  "Follow me."�

Rayek followed the Lt. Commander over across the room towards the workstation. There was something different. He glanced over the visible warp core distractedly then turned to the shield workstation only to realize that the station he turned towards was a back-up system and that the Lt. Commander was continuing on to a different location. Around him security tensed for a moment.

The lead guard stepped forward and pointed the way to the proper station. "This way, Sir.."

Rayek turned back to the others and continue following without comment. He noted this new location held the status display for the shield generators. It would seem that his intel on the layout of Engineering was inaccurate. Damned inconvenient.

Rayek studied the readings on the status board. Everything appeared exactly as requested. Perhaps a little too exact. Considering his own inclinations if in a similar situation..

He looked over towards his hybrid-Betazoid guide as she attempted to continue on. "Commander... Perhaps we should move on with your tour and let the engineering crew get back to their work?"

"In a moment, Lieutenant." Rayek replied, suspecting something was not as it seemed and turned to face the Chief Engineer. "Lt. Commander. Would you be so kind as to run a diagnostic of the shields and weapon banks for me?"

There was another longer hesitation this time.

"Get approval from the Admiral if need be. I will wait. While you are at it you can tell him, I request that shields be raised momentarily to 45%." added Rayek, then he turned to monitor the requested changes on status board.

"Seacrest to the Bridge.  Commander Rayek is requesting a diagnostic of the shield and weapon banks.  Permission to run to requested procedure?"�

On the bridge of the Courage, Admiral Zaa was waiting for Commander Delat, their other Romulan guest to arrive. The Vulcan Admiral listened to his Chief engineer, catching the note of tension in her voice.  She wanted the Romulan out of her engine room.  He couldn't blame her - he wanted them off his ship.  "Permission is granted, Commander Seacrest, please make sure that the inspection goes without a hitch," Zaa said

"Yes, sir."�  The Chief was quick to run the diagnostic. It was completed in just a couple of seconds.  Everything showed green.  "Also he requests that the Courage raise her shields to 45% momentarily."�

"Odd, but okay."� Zaa commented before turning to his tactical officer.  "Shields to 45%"�

Aboard the Warbird Falcon, the Tactical officer monitoring the Courage, suddenly glanced up and over to the command chair. "Subcommander Taelen, Sir. The Courage is raising shields!"

Taelen didn't hesitate. "Centurion, single distruptor beam across her bow. Get their attention. Then open a channel."

The Warbird fired off a single shot that streaked across the bow of the Courage harmlessly. A warning shot.

"Channel open, Sir."

"USS Courage. This is Subcommander Taelan, in command of the Warbird Falcon. Lower your shields. Comply or be destroyed."

Zaa was unprepared for the sudden warning shot and huffed at the ultimatum, but nodded towards his tactical officer before responding.

"Falcon, this is the Courage. We raised shields on Commander Rayek's orders. If you destroy us, you will destroy him too! Shields lowered. Courage out!" Zaa growled at the guile of the Romulan commander.  If he was correct, the commander had just tested the mettle and readiness of his own people, and in doing so risked a war with the Federation.  The man was either a fool or very sure of himself.

Down in Engineering, Rayek smiled as yet again his demands were met. He studied the status screen as the diagnostic was run - satisfactorily; and then as shields were raised and then lowered. Good. The readings were accurate. Zaa appeared to be a man of his word, which was often said of Vulcans. Yet Rayek expected that even Vulcans would cross their moral lines under the right pressure.

Rayek turned to the Lt. Commander. "Thank you for your time and co-operation, Lt. Commander. Ms. McKensie, I am ready to continue the tour."

Rayek followed the Lt. to their next destination on the tour.  He didn't particularly care where they headed now; though he did half expect a call from either the Admiral or Commander Delat, to come to the Bridge to explain his request.  He smirked, if things had gone as expected... a warning shot would have been fired.  If one hadn't, then Delat would be down one bridge officer shortly.  The Empire dealt with incompetence rather harshly.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell

Prompt - Conspiracy

2nd Lieutenant Rayek tr'Lhoell (Tal Shiar)
[Romulus - tr'Lhoell home]

"It's like Shinzon all over again. Surely you see that."
Rayek had been back home on leave for less than 12 hours and already he was realizing that it hadn't been such a good idea.

Rayek's father, Talen tr'Lhoell Vice-Proconsul of the Romulan Senate, was an astute and cunning man, which no doubt was part of the reason he had risen so high in the Senate. The tall and imposing man knew just how to talk to people, knowing what to say put them at ease or sway them to his position.  He was what one might call a natural politician.   However when it came to his son, the two were often at odds.

Rayek suspected it was from his father that he received his psionic abilities - not that he ever dared bring the subject up to his father or anyone one else.  He found it interesting that their clash of wills began soon after he had learned to shield himself.   Yet his father seemed oblivious.  Rayek after beginning his training in the Tal'Shiar, now suspected that his father was unaware of the subtle cues he picked up on from people.

"I see many things, Father;  and hear many more." Rayek finally answered his father, trying to get across to his father his concern and reluctance to discuss the Praetor's most recent Reman policy.

Rayek had not yet had opportunity to scan the room where he and his parents sat eating evening meal together, for any listening or recording devices.  He knew all too well that a high profile figure like his father would be the target of surveillance, both by the Tal'Shiar and by the private hired dirt-diggers looking to unseat his father.

Thus far Rayek in his discreet searches of the Tal'Shiar database had yet to find anything incriminating on his father... but too many comments like that and they could easily build a case against him.

His father snorted dismissively.  "You worry too much, son.  The room was cleared just this morning."  His mother kept her own counsel and didn't speak.  She was like that most often - deferring to her husbands opinion.

"Be that as it may, Father.  You should be wary of what you speak."  Then to force a change of topic, Rayek called to mind a bit of random fact that he'd picked up in his studies of the Terrans.  "Mother, did you know that the Terrans have specific days every year in which they celebrate on mass differ members of their household?  It's really quite fascinating."

But his father scowled upset at being warned like a child.  "How like you to be so paranoid and see conspiracy where there is none, yet to so glibly speak of your fascination with the Feds.  Don't let their ways corrupt you, son.  You are Romulan not Human!"  His father rose from his seat and stormed out of the room.  Rayek's interest in Terrans had always been a touchy subject between the two.

"Rayek, must you upset him so?" his mother chided quietly "We see you so infrequently now, don't make your being home an unpleasant thing."  She stood up preparing to follow her husband.  "I will see to your Father - get him to cool down some.  Though he is not wrong. We are your family - you should value our beliefs over others."

Rayek said nothing in reply only offering a slight smile to his mother.  Once she left, he smirked. He admired his mother for putting up with his father, like she did.  He finished his meal alone afterwards, before walking a circuit of the room.

He stopped at a mounted family portrait that from the fading of the wallpaper around it, appeared to have been moved slightly.   Rayek checked the frame and sure enough found a miniature recording device, which he crushed underfoot.  "Happy Father Day's, Father."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell


Prompt - Dilithium crystals

Uhlan tr'Lhoell
Remus - underground city of Shavokh - yr 2385

As the green shimmer of the transporter faded from around him, Rayek, the recently conscripted Tal Shiar officer, found himself plunged into shadow.  He had barely been with the intelligence agency for a month, when Rayek was assigned this month long training exercise on Remus with orders to meet his instructor at the oddest of locations - an abandoned dilithium mine.  Rayek remained still, listening attentively as he let his eyes adjust to the near darkness around him.  A faint light approached from his left, and after first checking about him in the other directions, he turned to face the approaching light warily, it's light glinting off the small unmined dilithium crystals that lined the mine walls.

The Reman that came into view, holding a dimly lit lantern, had the typical appearance of one of its species.  It was tall - easily a foot taller than Rayek who stood 6'1".  It had whitish gray skin with very prominent facial features, with cheek and forehead ridges that protruded sharply.  The Reman stared at Rayek with dark pupiled eyes in a yellow sclera, sunken into blackened sockets.  It came to stop about a meter and a half away, saying nothing and merely watched Rayek, seemingly assessing him.  Despite knowing in advance what Remans looked like, this was Rayek's first time in the presence of one and he found himself a little daunted by the encounter, even if the creature was little more than a slave.

Not willing to let his fear get the better of him, Rayek straightened still watchful of the male Reman - at least Rayek thought it was a male, that was the impression he got from it as he made his own assessment of the Reman.  The Reman was dressed in long dark, tight-fitting leather, making his already lean form seem even taller and more menacing.  The hands which held the lamp were long and slender with well-groomed nails that were filed to sharpened points like talons.  It was definitely not the appearance he would have expected to see from a former mining slave.   Mind you it had been over 5 years since the Reman rebellion and Shinzon's coup, much had changed for the Reman's since then.  Few remained.   Most had voluntarily relocated to an uninhabited Klingon planet, rather than be hunted down and persecuted by their former masters.

Rayek had joined the Romulan Star Navy in 2380.  His first ship assignment aboard the IRW Mogai had been to track down escaped Remen after the death of Shinzon and the fall of his regime.  As a mere uhlan at the time, Rayek was always on duty elsewhere, when they had the prisoner executions, so he had to watch the recordings of them after the fact on his tablet.  The executions were mandatory training - reminders to all of what happened to those that didn't put the Empire first.  Now nearly 5 years later, Rayek was meeting his first Reman, face to face.  He wondered if the stories that said Remen could read minds like a Vulcan was true... and if so he wondered if this one was reading his mind right now?

The silence between them grew as Rayek weathered the assessing gaze of the other.  Finally, it grew too much for Rayek to bear any longer.

"I am Rayek of the clan tr'Lhoell." He stated hoping to prompt a confirmation from the Reman that he was indeed his contact.

The Reman smiled a craggy toothed smile. "We know who you are and why you are here - moreso than you.  Your mind, open to us now, will be trained to keep secure the secrets of your owners, and taught the ways of moving through the thoughts of others."

Rayek blinked in surprise at the Reman's words.  Trained to block his mind and taught how to read other peoples minds... How was such a thing possible? No Romulan was telepathic - not anymore.

The Reman chuckled harshly, watching him with odd yellow eyes.  "It is possible because you were born with the rare natural trait  - which you already unknowingly use to know the motivations of others. You just need to be trained to use it properly.   We have been ordered to be your teacher.  Come."

The Reman turned away and began walking back further into the mine with his dim glowing lantern.  Rayek had little choice but to follow, or be plunged into darkness once more.   He kept back about 3 meters still uncertain as to whether the Reman was speaking the truth; finding it hard to accept that his Tal'Shiar superiors intended him to be trained to use such highly feared skill.  Then again, such a skill if kept secret, would be of unimaginable value in routing out dissension and plots against the Empire.

He doubted the Reman was correct in his assessment of Rayek's 'natural trait', but decided to go along with the training regardless. He was stuck here for the next month anyways.  What harm could come from trying?

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell

Prompt - General order

Recruit Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Mars - Starfleet Technical Services Academy - yr 2393]

"Recruit tr'Lhoell.  You are oddly silent today."

Rayek, who had been reading, refrained from grimacing as the Technical Services Academy instructor called attention to him, and his silence in an almost mocking tone.  Not that the man was wrong.  Rayek had been unusually quiet and attentive during the entire hour and a half long lecture (rather than his usual disruptive self - adding on to the lesson with comments and corrections), mainly because the topic of their lesson was a subject to which he had no familiarity.

The lecture today had been a brief overview of the 30 General Orders that guided all Starfleet personnel, and which officers would be responsible for upholding and protecting.  These were the rules and regulations Rayek would need to know to one day become an officer himself - a goal he still had every intention of fulfilling despite being relegated to the enlisted ranks rather than commissioned - yet so many of the orders made no reasonable sense to the Romulan recruit, and he wondered if this was some prank or if he had misunderstood some key phrasing in the first several orders.

Rayek glanced up from his notebook, in which he was reviewing the written Orders for better understanding and clarification - but they too read as he had interpreted hearing them.  He looked over towards the instructor who regarded him smugly, probably feeling self-important at Rayek's lack of commentary for once during the lecture.

Rayek straightened in his seat and acknowledged the instructor's observation with a curt nod. "Yessir, I am." he agreed mildly.  "It is difficult to correct your teaching on a topic I am unfamiliar with but that being said perhaps I could endeavor you to provide examples of where these Orders come into usage, because the first few especially seem most unrealistic and impossible to uphold so I suspect you have forgotten to pass on some crucial bit of information that makes these General Orders reasonable."

But as Rayek was to learn Starfleet and it's first few General Orders were just that unreasonable.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell


Prompt:  Tube grubs

Prisoner 3J4S735GL (Rayek tr'Lhoell)
[Penal Colony Faicol-lhui]

"It's mealtime, rvak'na, don't just sit there."  The taunting voice of a nearby guard cut through the quiet murmurs of the inmates seated at other tables around the room, coming from a position behind and to his left.  "You'd best eat so you have strength enough to work tomorrow."  The 'helpful' suggestion was followed almost immediately with a prod to his side by the guard with the man's stun baton.  Rayek was surprised the nudge hadn't been accompanied by the expected low-voltage shock.

Rayek had been on Faicol-lhui less than 5 days.  He had just been released from isolation that morning,  having been held there for 3 days without food or water after killing a fellow inmate during an altercation that happened on his first day at the penal colony.  This was his first meal since arriving and despite his definite need of nourishment, Rayek found himself in no big hurry to eat.  Instead he sat alone on a bench at one of the Mess Hall's trestle tables, looking unhappily at the bowl full of live food that wriggled about unappealingly.  "What are these?  Tube grubs?"

Rayek recalled overhearing from his time aboard the USS Courage that such a meal was considered a Ferengi delicacy.  Live tube grubs in a centipede sauce had been one of the many buffet dishes set out by the Federation during the 'Meet and Greet' on the Starfleet vessel as it began it's journey through Romulan space at the invite of the Romulan Empire.

The memory was not a fond one so Rayek was glad when his attention was called back to the present by a snickered laugh from the guard behind him.   "No.  You prisoner vermin aren't worth the trouble of shipping in tube grubs.  Those could be sold for a profit to the Ferengi.  These are maggots."  Rayek grimaced in distaste at that information, glancing over his shoulder towards the guard. "Enough of you die monthly, that we are able to grow our own supply."  Rayek dry-gagged at the mental image that conjured, which only made the guard laugh harder.  "You either eat them, or they will eat you, rvak'na.  Makes little difference to me."  The guard commented before moving on to patrol the room now that he'd messed with the newbie prisoner.

Rayek was left alone at the table to watch his squirming bowl of larvae.  The guard was correct.  Survival demanded he ignore the source of the meal and simple accept it as his only means of nutrition.  The fact that many ancient human cultures considered maggots to be a 'superfood' escaped his knowledge at the time.

Since the meal hadn't been served with any sort of utensil with which to eat with, Rayek lifted the bowl with its writhing mass to his lips and tipped it ever so slightly as he slurped a few into his mouth.   He fought back the almost instantaneous gag reflex and forced himself to chew the mouthful.  That was perhaps not the best choice, as the texture more so than the taste was rather revolting.  He set the bowl down and reached for his small cup of allotted water, downing it in one gulp to clear the maggot paste from his mouth.

A quick glance about showed Rayek that most of the inmates, merely swallowed the maggots whole either in small clumps picked up with their fingers or by tipping them into the mouth cavity, such as he'd done and swallowing without chewing.  Rayek steeled himself and tried again, tipping several into his mouth and this time dry-swallowing the lot of them down.

It was a strange feeling - swallowing live larvae.  They squirmed and wriggled against the tongue and along the back of the throat, but thankfully couldn't be felt any further down the esophagus.  It was strange but tolerable.  Rayek managed to finish his entire bowl by the time his section was called to head back to their cells for their sleep break.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell

Prompt - Flux coupler

PO2 Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Challenger - Engineering - S1 between Episode 10 and 11]

Main Engineering was a bustle of activity the morning that Rayek had finally surcame to his nagging notion to attempt to speak to Lek.  It had bothered him far more than he liked to admit that the Ferengi had walked out in the midst of their conversation and was now seemingly avoiding him. Twice now, while passing in the halls or mess Rayek had offered greetings to the man and twice his overtures had been ignored (or not seen).

So today Rayek had arrived at what he hoped was the engineer's 'coffee' break time with a can of Slug-o-cola for the Ferengi as a 'peace offering', only to discover the Alpha Engineering shift doing an unscheduled training simulation.  He approached the nearest engineer, a crewman standing at a open power grid panel with his hands and attention dealing with a confusing mess of relays.  Rayek interrupted and inquired as to where to find Lieutenant Lek.

"I'm sorry sir, the Lieutenant just left with Damage Control Team Four to oversee the simulation being done in the nacelles." the engineering crewman whose name tag read Drass answered. "They likely won't be back for another half hour or so."

Rayek took in that information with a slight grimace, glancing down to the two drinks he had in hand - Lek's slug-o-cola and his own chai tea.  It would seem his social call would have to wait for another time.  But as he was about to turn away another engineer hurrying past them bumped his arm - hard. This resulted in his chai tea being sprayed forward onto crewman Drass and ... onto the open power grid panel.  Really? This was so not going to impress either Lek or Lt Erix.

To the crewman's credit, the enlisted man didn't swear at the unexpected mishap, despite the sparks that erupted from the open panel.  Hastily withdrawing his hand the crewman moved to the nearby console and began rerouting power.   Calling over his shoulder towards Rayek, Drass sought to get the petty officer out of Engineering before the Chief showed up and discovered the mess the Romulan had made.  "Sir, I think you should leave.  I'll let the Lieutenant know you stopped by."

Rayek hesitated, not liking the idea of leaving others to 'clean up' after him but getting the sense from the crewman that his presence was no longer welcome.  "I'd prefer to assist if I can. Tell me how can I help?" he offered.

There was an unmistakable scoffing sound from another of the engineers nearby, the ensign that had bumped into him in fact. Ensign Kasey James, if Rayek wasn't mistaken.  "Do you even know what end of a flux coupler to hold?" she taunted.

Rayek bristled at the slight. "Yes, ma'am I do - and unlike you, I know enough of engineering to know you wouldn't use a flux coupler in this instance.  Perhaps you meant did I know which end of a hyperspanner to use?"  Ignoring the ensign's stutters of incredulity at his audacity to talk back to her, Rayek walked over to the woman and pulled the hyperspanner from her tool belt and handed it to her handle first.  "I think you'll find that will work better than a flux coupler."

Then with a slightly apologetic nod towards the crewman Drass, for the extra work he'd inadvertently caused Rayek headed out of Engineering.  He'd try connecting with Lek another day.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell

 Prompt -  Sacrifice

SCPO Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Challenger - NCO Quarters - Deck 5]

Rayek read through the electronic notification from Starfleet Command for the twelfth time - and yet still was disbelieving of it's message.  This had to be some mistake or prank.  But every check Rayek ran on the letter and it's source came back as verified.  He covered his gaping mouth with a hand that shook slightly in excitement.  A promotion....to a commissioned officer... and not to some low level Ensign.   Starfleet was finally recognizing his skills and had promoted him straight through to Lieutenant Commander.  There was just one catch.  To receive the promotion he had to accept a transfer to newly built starbase in the Gamma Quadrant.

Some might need time to think over the offer and it's cost.  Not Rayek.  He was experienced enough to realize that opportunities like this did not come along often.   While a transfer to a starbase might seem a bit of a sacrifice -  giving up what was fond and familiar such as close friends and amazing shipmates - Rayek knew he had to accept.  He had sacrificed far more on his path to this point  - family, home, even his precious loyalty to the Empire -  and now with his goal within in sight, there was nothing that would hold the Romulan back.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell


Prompt - Dingoes

Major Rayek (aka 'Commander' Rayek)
Tal Shiar operative
Romulan Observer and Liaison Officer
Aboard the USS Courage

Rayek followed a few steps behind Lieutenant Star as she lead him and his escort of security guards on the required inspection of the ship.   It was Rayek's job to ensure that the USS Courage and her crew followed all Romulan laws and regulations while within Romulan space as guests of the Empire.  The Tal'Shiar operative, posing as a military Commander, followed the Lieutenant, not out of any deference to the woman or because he thought that the few feet of space might provide a barrier against the telepathic Lieutenant's mind invading his.  No, that would be foolish given just the other day she had slipped into his mind easily, despite his precautions, to question him from the ship while he was down on the planet.  Never had he heard of such a powerful telepath to connect to an unfamiliar mind across such distances.  It made his own ability to read others from across a distance of 50 ft seem rather weak.

His following behind her was definitely no barrier.  No, Rayek followed the Lieutenant so that he could better envision all the possible ways he could attack her from behind.  A knife to back, a garrote around the neck, perhaps a snapped neck using the tal-shaya execution method.  He pictured each in vivid detail so that if the telepath dared see into his thoughts it might shock and scare her from doing so again.

It had taken high doses of sseikae-khoi - a synthetic beta-wave inhibitor - and his all too sincere threat to use his Tal'Shiar poison-capsule to end his life to get some small relief from her mind's invasion.  That had been just yesterday - and now due to the Praetor's orders, Rayek was to remain aboard the Courage during the next 2 to 4 weeks that the Federation ship was in Romulan space.  Rayek wasn't sure he could do that without resorting to killing the woman.  Yet that had been the one thing the Praetor had been extremely clear on -  at no point was Rayek to start a political incident - which killing one of the Federation crew would be.  So Rayek was stuck with little to do to vent his frustration than imagine the ways he would like to kill her.

Currently, Rayek and his escort were headed down to Deck 13 where the Courage's fighter squadron - the Dingoes - were housed.   Rayek had been unfamiliar with the meaning of the name 'Dingo' when he first heard it during his first tour a few days prior when the Courage had first entered Romulan territory, and Rayek had taken the time since then to research the word.  Dingo, he discovered, referred to a feral canine that originated in a select section of Earth called Australia - generally thought to be a scavenger.  The animals were have thought to be descendant from domesticated dogs and were regarded as a vulnerable species in the early 21st century.   They were all but extinct now.  At first Rayek couldn't understand why that animal had been chosen to represent the squadron, until he happened upon an archived picture of the creature.  The canines were lean, hard-bodied and adapted for speed, agility and stamina. The usage seemed to make sense after that.

"Commander," Lt Star's voice - thankfully audible and not in his head - interrupted his visualization tactics to keep her at bay.  Was it his imagination or did she seem amused?  "The Dingoes squad are awaiting your inspection." It was then that Rayek realized that they had arrived at the military unit's quarters.  Before him were assembled a crew 20 hardened military personnel; each who while at attention were still able to give off an almost feral feel - especially as they regarded the Romulan in their midst.  Rayek smirked.  Yes, the name 'Dingo'  definitely seemed apt for this 'pack'.

"Let us proceed then Lieutenant." Rayek commented as he began to move through the room in search of any 'bones' these 'dingoes' might be attempting to keep hidden from him.  Romulan laws were strict on what was permissible and what was not.  Rayek had no doubt that he would eventually find something the crew of the Courage were in contravention of  - and rubbing that infraction in the face of the Vulcan Admiral Zaa was going to be a pleasure.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell

 Prompts - Portrait and Velociraptors

SCPO Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Challenger - NCO Quarters - 2396

Never one to let an opportunity to gather intel pass by, Rayek, since his promotion to Chief of security, had been reviewing the ship's mission briefings.  When he finished with Challenger's, he turned to reviewing other ships' mission briefings.  In one such briefing there was a side comment to the report indicating that STEVE had been of assistance.  The capitalization of the entire name.. suggested that STEVE was an acronym for something, but Rayek had no clue as to what.  So Rayek did what he does best... and he did a computer search on the topic.  Unfortunately, Challenger had nothing on this STEVE.

[Starbase Columbus - Sickbay - 2396
Two months later, while recuperating at Starbase Columbus, Rayek tried again and this time found what he was looking for.   STEVE and it's companion program EVIE were holographic construct files.  As he read over the file, Rayek had to laugh...  STEVE stood for Simulated Terrestrial Evolutionary Velociraptor Experiment.  The Shran's crew, namely a Lt JG Ardyn Jaeger, had created a holographic dinosaur, the previous year and since then the hologram had quickly become the ship's crew pet and mascot.

Opening up an image file attached to the main information, Rayek was treated to a photo portrait of the creature as a hatchling.

Rayek had to admit it was cute.  He read on that both STEVE and it's companion EVIE (Evolutionary Velociraptor Integrated Entity) were designated 'therapy' holograms.  As he thought back to Counselor Maddux and her tribbles, Rayek had to agree that he'd prefer a predator dinosaur over a furball, any day.

He wondered if he suggested the idea to the Dr. Vaughan and Dr. Maddux whether they would have connections with the Shran to be able to get a look at STEVE or EVIE's  programming details so that Challenger could have a ship pet of their own...  Or if it might be possible to download him from the Shran without their knowing?  Hmmmm....

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell


Prompt - Jeffries tubes

Crewman Recruit Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Mars - Starfleet Technical Services Academy]

If there was one thing that Rayek was, it was vindictive.

Rayek had been coerced into participating in a parrises square match - with the promise of Romulan ale - win or lose.  They had lost 12 to 7.   Benos and Nalem, the two other security recruits that had convinced him to participate, had yet to honor their end of the deal.  A month had passed, Rayek figured it was time to exact retribution and payment another way.

Rayek didn't so much 'plan' the situation as take advantage of it.

The class had been divided into two groups.  A small heavily armed 'enemy' force of 4 members against a larger but resource-limited Federation security team - basically the rest of the class.  Rayek had been assigned as a lead 'enemy' for this scenario.  Rayek picked his team of three others carefully:  Benos, the warrior caste Andorian; Nalem, an unbonded Trill and the Tellerite, Skaggarg.

Rayek and his team were given 20 minutes prep time to come up with a plan of attack. The four had been granted permission, at the Romulan's request, to do this planning at the Academy Mess Hall.  In a show of leadership and team-building, Rayek had kindly offered to buy everyone a drink.  He ordered four 'energy-drinks' - one for each, and briefly lead the discussion in regards to their plans.

"Nah, man, we need to go in hard! Storm the bridge!" Benos insisted, his antenna twitching slightly because of the additional caffeine and sugar he'd just imbibed.

Rayek shook his head.  "We may have greater fire-power but our numbers mean that we can't risk even one of us being taken out by a 'lucky' shot.  We'll beam in to just outside the battle bridge.  Take out the guards there, and then you three will access the Jefferies tubes and head straight to Engineering.  While I distract the security with some well placed and timed stun explosives."

"What?! No, you're the leader you have to be with the team." Nalem objected to the idea.

"No, actually I don't." Rayek reaffirmed coolly, "As leader, I'm telling you what to do, and how to do it.  Your job is to do it.  Do you think it looks good to the instructors if I have to hold your hand the entire time?"  The remark earned Rayek a quietly muttered swear from Nalem - which Rayek heard clearly.

"You can insult me all you like. But you'll do as I say, as leader.  That's the power of command." He looked around the table at the now scowling faces of his classmates and teammates.  He smirked.  "I think we're done planning.  I'll see you back in class."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The team assembled just outside the training area, where the rest of the class had already been sent 20 minutes earlier.   The 'Federation' didn't know when the attack was scheduled, but had been warned an attack might be planned.  So their defenses would be up and beaming in would immediately be noticed.

Rayek handed to his team their equipment. He had isolated signal comm badges for communication, rebreathers and molecular scramblers - as defense against gassing and site-to-site transport once they were aboard.  He also handed out the weapons and explosives.  With everyone geared up, it was time to go in.

The four-person team was transported in to their chosen beam in location - just outside of the ships battle bridge. As expected the second their transporter beam was picked up by the ships internal sensors - the intruder alert sounded.  And of course the 'guards' on duty outside the battle bridge heard the telltale whine of the transporter beam as the team materialized and had their phasers in hand ready to stun the team.  Rayek however, had utilized a tactic from his past and had the beam in come in not at ground level but directly above the guards.  It was amusing to Rayek how many people didn't think to look above when hearing a transporter whine.  These guards were no different - likely because he'd not used the tactic before now with any of his Starfleet instructors.  He doubted, he would be able to pass this trick off again after this since the training session was being recorded and would be reviewed afterwards by class and instructors.  But for now, it had worked.

The team of four as they materialized dropped down from above, easily taking out the two guards stationed outside the battle bridge. Then within moments,  Benos and  Skaggarg were in position covering the hall on either side while Nalem worked on opening the Jeffries tube access that lay directly across the hall.   Rayek turned to battle bridge door panel and set to work by-passing the locks.  A few moments later, both he and Nalem had their respective routes open.

"This is where we part.  You know your jobs. Skaggarg, you've got point while in the Jeffries tubes." Rayek stated, doing his best to tamp down the smirk that threatened.  The Tellerite gave a derisive sounding snort but entered the cramped access way and began moving along it's length on his hands and knees.  Nalem followed after.

Benos glanced over to Rayek, with his antennae waving about alertly, "You sure this is how you want to do this?  It's a shit-poor plan.. and you know it."

Rayek almost laughed - Benos was humorously close to the truth.  "You have your orders."

Benos gave a slight grimace but crouched down and entered the Jeffries tube following the other two.  Rayek quickly reset the access panel and sealed it up behind them.  Then turned his attention to setting up a couple of stun charges both were on a proximity trigger... though one was timed.  He placed these around the entrance to the battle bridge before locking himself within.

Rayek stood to one side of the door waiting.  He refrained from glancing towards where he knew the instructors camera was observing the exercise.  The moment the stun charge went off outside the battle bridge door, Rayek triggered the small signal-disrupter he had replicated when preparing for this assignment.  It would cut the video feed temporarily.

Rayek hurried to the nearest console set about hacking into the ship's computer system.  It was ridiculously easy for the former Tal Shiar operative, and he had the system open to him by the time the second timed charge went off.   Rayek installed his worm program, checked that it was in place then moved back to beside the door.  Rayek was back in place just as the video feed came back online.   Which was fortunate.. for while his instructors might suspect that he hacked the computer, they wouldn't have proof of it.  Rayek waited a moment longer than necessary to ensure the recording  showed him in the exact same spot.. before daring to open the battle bridge door.

Almost immediately, it opened to reveal a half a dozen security personnel piled up at the entrance unconscious.  Rayek smirked.  He prepared an additional two charges and in a quick move placed one on the door frame outside the battle bridge and another on the body of one of the down guards.  Even as he did this he came under phaser fire.  Thankfully, his classmates were rather poor shots when firing without taking time to sight and aim.  The shots missed.  Two even striking one of the already downed guards.  Rayek ducked back inside the battle bridge to prepare a set of stun grenades.

While he did this, Rayek followed the progress of his teammates as they called out their location in the jeffries tubes.  =/\= Approaching GNDN714 =/\= Nalem quietly announced as the team neared the planned exit point.  Rayek smirked and moved to other side of the battle bridge, to a position far from the rooms ventilation duct.

Rayek tapped his earpiece to open a direct comm line to the other on this team. Rayek spoke in code - just in case the comm line was being unexpectedly monitored.
=/\= Insertion team.  Protocol Heta Two Omega. Go now! =/\= he called out forcing the urgency into his tone.

In the Jeffries tubes the three immediately paused to pullout their rebreathers and set them in place.  At just about that time, thank to his earlier hacking, throughout the 'ship' canisters of anesthezine gas - often used on ships to take down intruders - was being used silently to knock out a large majority of the 'ships' crew.

The amusing part was that at the much like how he'd hacked into the security protocols to trigger the release of the gas, he also edited the replicator program for the rebreathers earlier - they would be pretty much useless.

Now if Rayek had just left things like this his whole team would have easily won the practice - without a single casualty... but Rayek was looking for revenge and his worm-file  had more executable commands than just releasing anesthezine.

While his team was preparing to continue on to their target, a force field appeared in front and behind them, effectively trapping them in a small section of the Jeffries tube.

=/\= Insertion leader, our route forward and back have been cut off by forcefields, repeat route forward and back has been cut off by forcefields.  Any chance you can figure a way of dropping them? =/\=. Benos risked being affected by the anesthezine gas to request assistance.

Yes! Everything was going according to plan. Rayek tapped his earpiece to reply.  He wasn't concerned about the gas.. as he'd programmed the release signal to skip the battle bridge and a certain section of the jeffries tubes.

=/\= I could.  But I'm honestly not inclined to want to. As I recall the last time I did you and Nalem a favor... I got nothing in return. But not to worry, I'll complete the rest of this mission on my own. =/\=  He answered as he silently counted out a full minute - ensuring that the gas had time to effect those that might in the hall.

=/\= Huh? What are you talking about?  You can't just leave us here! =/\= Benos complained.

=/\= Actually, I'm rather certain I can. =/\= The Romulan smirked.

There was a soft groan in the background from Nalem and her voice filtered over Benos' comm line.  "He's talking about the parrases squares game.  We promised him a bottle of Romulan Ale - win or lose. You forgot to take him out for that drink, didn't you? "  Nalem accused.

=/\= You gotta be kidding me?!  Listen up Rayek, we're supposed to be a team working together.  Turn these force fields off! =/\=   Beno demanded.

=/\= Well, it seems that is still something I need to work on. =/\=  Rayek commented back  =/\= Though I did take enough of an interest in my 'team' to learn their dietary restrictions.  I suppose that could be called 'working together'. =/\=

At about that time Skaggarg, at the front of the line of security crewmen trapped in the enclosed space of the jeffries tube, issued a groan.  "I don't feel so good".  Rayek could envision the Tellerite's face screwed up in discomfort as the Tellerite's digestive system rebelled strongly and swiftly.

There was a very pregnant pause before Benos spoke again accusingly =/\= What the hell did you do, you Romulan bastard? =/\=

Before Rayek could answer there was a loud sound, like ripping fabric, and a sigh of relief from Skaggarg.

From the still open comm line Rayek could hear Benos comment  "Aww man, Skaggarg you did not just let one rip in here!"

But the Tellerite had; it was an obscure medical fact that caffeine did not sit well with their digestive system resulting in swift and odorous flatulence, and if Rayek was correct about the amount of caffeine that was in the energy drink he'd provided his team then Skaggarg would be flatulent for at least then next half hour.

Rayek heard stifled gagging and then Nalem's voice in the background of the comm line.  "Why can I smell the stench through the rebreather?"

Rayek did laugh this time.  He had sabotaged the replicator program for those three rebreathers before handing them out earlier... they couldn't filter a thing.  Benos and Nalem would either suffer the indignation of being stuck in an enclosed space with a flatulent Tellerite or find a way to lower the force fields on their own and surcome to the anesthezine gas like the rest of the ship's crew.

=/\= tr'Lhoell! You bastard! I'm gonna get you for this =/\=  There was another ripping sound and more groans of disgust from the three in the Jeffries tubes.

=/\= You can try. =/\= Rayek answered back smugly  =/\= Til then you can just wait there for the instructor to release you;  I have to go.  I have a ship to take over =/\=  He cut the comm... and left the earpiece behind, dropping it on the floor as he inserted his own properly programmed rebreather in this mouth and headed out into the hallway where bodies littered the ground and turned to head for Engineering....

The team technically succeeded the assigned mission, but Rayek received a failing mark for his lack of teamwork and leadership.  He still thought it was worth it.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell


Prompt - subordinates pet

Uhlan tr'Lhoell (of the Tal'Shiar)
[yr 2385 - Romulus - Imperial War College]

A week had passed since Rayek had met with Vice-Chairman Vakis, and during that time Rayek had gone through various strenuous physical and mental processes to test his knowledge, skills, abilities and limits.  His main examiner - or perhaps interrogator/torturer would be a better term - was a middle aged Romulan in his mid-60's.  A senior Tal'Shiar operative who had the unfortunate task of assessing Rayek's skills and providing him a crash course on what was expected of the young wet-behind the ears officer.   The man's name was Tanibak and he was ranked as Major - having been with the agency for at least 30 yrs.  He was a skilled operative that the higher ups thought the younger Uhlan's could learn from.  Rayek wasn't positive but he got the sense that while the man was undeniably steadfast in his loyalty to the Empire and the agency, and held a strong sense of duty and integrity,  Tanibak seemed overly discontent - or maybe that was just his serious nature.

Today, Rayek had received instructions to meet the Major at the Colleges' weapons training area.  Rayek grinned.  He enjoyed weapons training - even if it was painful when he lost - which was more often than not when he was pitted against more senior members.  As he entered the training area, Rayek was surprised.

Tanibak was standing in the center of one the training mats - but that wasn't what was surprising.  No.  What surprised the young would-be operative was the fact that at the older man's feet was Rayek's sister's pet set'leth.  A bad feeling formed in the pit of Rayek's stomach at the sight of his sister's cherished companion surrounded on all sides by weapons designed to kill.

(ooc the story here is a tip of the hat to the Final test.. from the Kingsman movie)

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell

Prompt: Ferengi Commerce Authority

2nd Lieutenant Rayek tr'Lhoell (Tal Shiar)
[IRC 1964 T'Met -  Briefing room]

As Rayek stepped into the T'Met's tiny briefing room, he glanced about the room, noting its' ornate tapestry of the Empire's symbol which hung on the wall behind the Subcommanders seat, likely hiding an escape route.

Rayek took another step forward and offered the Subcommander a Romulan salute, his hand in a closed fist, rising at right angle to hold above his heart for a moment before extending it sharply towards the Subcommander as his hand opened to a flat-palm.  He held it there until the Sub-Commander acknowledged the salute with either a nod or a salute in return.  Rayek received a nod.

"Erein tr'Lhoell, Erei'Riov, reporting as ordered."

The Subcommander looked toward the junior officer with a slight scowl.  He'd been ordered to bring along the upstart officer to the trade talks with Ferengi Commerce Authority, having been told the Erein would be able to ensure a smooth and profitable process.   What had resulted had been anything but smooth or profitable.

"Explain to me, how we traded away an entire shipment of Romulan ale for self-sealing stembolts?"

Rayek could read the disapproval and anger directed towards him from his Commanding officer.  He was rather upset at himself as well.  But how was he supposed to know that he wouldn't be able to telepathically read the Ferengi.  No one had ever suggested such to him.  Rayek had done a bit of research afterwards and it seemed it was common knowledge among the Federation that Ferengi were unreadable.

"I was careless Erei'Riov.  I will be more wary for Ferengi trickery next time."

"Next time!? You think I would deign to keep you around after this fiasco.  No.  You'll be transferring off at our next port. Be glad that is all that I do to you."

(ooc this prompt has been waiting ever so long but I finally found some bit of motivation to get to it)

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell


(not a prompt... but so not a scene I want forgotten)

Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Katra Station - Deck Two - Executive Officer's private quarters]

Upon returning to Katra after his long absence, nearly 6 weeks away because of his capture by the Drecacon and Thinkers, he opened his personal inbox and found at the top of the list a response from Lek.  He opened the recording and frowned at its contents.  Lek's tone had been clipped.  It was clear he still was upset at Rayek for trying to read his mind.

But still he had replied.  That alone gave Rayek hope that their friendship was salvageable.

Once more Rayek opted to write down his message to Lek.   Before he began, Rayek moved to his bedroom door and peered within to where Tess lay sleeping then quietly shut the door so that the light from his desk wouldn't disturb her rest.

Resuming his seat, he began.

Jolan tru Lek,
My apologies at not responding sooner but I was tied up and unable to get away.

Rayek smirked slightly at his play on words.  He enjoyed such puns, telling things honestly but in such a way to have his words misconstrued.  He doubted that Lek would believe he was literally captured and bound.  Instead the Ferengi would likely take his words to mean that he was just very busy.

It is disheartening to hear your news of Mr. ch'Verret.  He was a  good security petty officer.  Please pass on my best for him in his new role, though perhaps I will message him myself and see how bad the situation is.  I am quite familiar with addictions and perhaps that's what the alcohol has become and if so an intervention may be needed.

I am also saddened to hear of Helga's change of heart.  I was hoping things would work out well with you two.

Speaking of relationships, I too have news...

Rayek paused at hearing a noise coming from his room and glanced over.

Tess stirred from her sleep. She wasn't sure what had woken her up. When she realised she was alone in the room she rolled out of the bed and walked into the adjoining room where she found Rayek sitting at his desk. She crossed the now much more furnished room and once she reached Rayek she wrapped her arms loosely around him from behind as she bent down. She kissed his cheek before glancing over at the screen. "Hey, what are you doing?", she asked still a little sleepily.

Rayek smiled, taking in for a moment, Tess' mussed hair yet vibrantly alert eyes. "Writing a letter to my friend Lek.  I was just about to tell him .. about us." he answered as he turned back to his desk preparing to put away his writing utensils to finish his letter another time.

When he said he would finish the letter later Tess reached out to grab his arm gently. "No need to, really. Please go on. I bet he's been waiting some time for a message from you." Tess peeked over his shoulder to read what he had written so far - and suddenly laughed. "You've been tied up and unable to get away ... indeed you were", she chuckled. But she became more serious as she read the rest of the letter. Then she reached the part where he had stopped to tell about their relationship. "Hey, why don't you - instead of writing a letter - make a short video message?", she suggested, still standing behind him. "Wouldn't that be nice? We both could say hello", she smiled.

Videos were never a favorite thing for Rayek, possibly due to some manner of aversion of being seen or recognized  but Tess' suggestion of a video of them both...  Rayek liked that idea.

"I think Lek would appreciate that." He turned in his swiveling chair and pulled her down onto his lap, smiling widely.  Rayek then spun the chair back to face his desk where his PADD lay.  He reached out and propped it up on it's stand, then tapped its' screen a couple times to begin video recording.

"As I was noting in my letter, I have some news of my own....

Lek, I'd like to introduce you to Lieutenant Tess Moreno...  my future wife... when she permits me to formally ask for her hand in marriage."

Tess chuckled when Rayek pulled her down to sit in his lap. She leaned back against him comfortably, her hand seeking to hold his. She waited until he had set up the video and then smiled widely into the camera. Her heart skipped a beat with happiness the way he introduced her. She kept looking at the screen and lifted her free hand to wave briefly into the camera.


"Hello Lieutenant. I've heard Rayek speaking all good about you. I hope we will have the opportunity to meet sometime." She then turned her head to look at Rayek. "And permission granted, Commander", she said with a lowered voice and a little grin on her face. Somehow she hadn't been aware anymore that he'd been waiting for this.

Rayek's heart leapt into his throat at her quiet words and he was struck mute for a moment before whooping with joy.  He hugged her close, the video forgotten for the moment.  He was ecstatic but had to ask. "You are certain?"

Then a dreaded thought came to mind.  "The ring..." He hadn't had time in the short time they'd been back to have the design he had in mind to be commissioned much less made.  But he was undaunted by its lack.

"This is certainly not how I envisioned this moment but I will not waste a single second waiting on the ideal setting or props.  You know the depth of my love for you Tess, and you have just granted me the permission I said I was waiting on to ask.  So ask I shall."

Releasing her with one hand, he unbuttoned his uniform jacket to pull from it's place under his shirt the Romulan heirloom neckace she'd gifted him during their April lunchdate a couple months earlier.

"Tess, you gave this to me to celebrate my promotion to Commander, and I have kept it close to my heart since the moment I realized that I was in love with you.  I ask that you accept this temporarily, in lieu of a ring - which I will have made for you...."

Rayek held up the necklace and recalling for a moment that this was being recorded, showed it to the camera before turning to face Tess once more.  "Tess Moreno, with Lek as my witness, I love you with all that I am and all that I hope to become. Will you marry me?"

Tess couldn't help but grin happily when she noticed his excitement. Although she just had confirmed to him that she would want to marry him she didn't expect what was to follow ... right about now. She watched as he unbuttoned his uniform shirt to retrieve the necklace with the Romulan pendant. She looked a little confused but also it dawned on her what he was about to do. His words made her heart pound hard in her chest as she stated at him wide eyed. This was really happening... now? She knew they wanted to marry but to have him actually ask right here and now brought tears of joy to her eyes. She covered her mouth and nose with her hands as she looked at Rayek when he proposed his question. "Yes", she brought out with a shaky voice and sobbed briefly as she tried to keep the tears in but the intense emotions of happiness, joy and luck were flooding her. "Yes I will!" She hugged him to her, half sobbing and half laughing before she pulled back again to look at him, her hands cupping his cheeks. "I want to be your wife. I love you so much", she whispered.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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